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Hyunjae had just finished discussing with the detective and they hadn't yet found Sunwoo's whereabouts. They were still looking for him and trying to track him down. It had been many days and there was no news yet about where Sunwoo was located or if he had been found. Hyunjae was worried about Sunwoo and he wanted to find him soon.

"Sunwoo... Where are you?" asked Hyunjae.

Sunwoo had been missing for over four days and all his friends were worried and concerned. They had heard about his disappearance and no one knew what happened to him. It was a scary situation and they wanted him to be found and they wanted him to be safe. They were holding out hope that he would be located soon and that he would be found in good condition.

That included Sangyeon and the others too because they were all worried and concerned about Sunwoo's disappearance. They all wanted him to be found soon and they were hoping that he would be found safe. They were very worried and they wanted him to be okay, and they wanted to have closure about Sunwoo's safety.

Hyunjae's phone was ringing and he checked who it was calling. When he saw that it was Changmin, he immediately ran to his car. He needed to get back quickly and it seemed like it was an alarming phone call.

It took about 15 minutes to get home and once Hyunjae arrived home, he heard crying sounds. He went inside and he saw a scene. Eric was crying in Juyeon's arms. It seems that Eric had started crying again after thinking about his twin, Sunwoo. Eric was very emotional and he was sobbing in Juyeon's arms.

Hyunjae went to them.

"Eric. Hey. Hey, buddy. It's okay" comfort Hyunjae.

Eric quickly switch to Hyunjae and hug him tightly and continue sobbing.

"I'm here, buddy. I'm here"

"Where... Sunwoo? Have you find... him yet?" asked Eric between sobbing.

"No. Not yet, buddy" said Hyunjae.

"Is... Is he gonna be okay? Wha... What if she do something... bad to him?" asked Eric.

Hyunjae couldn't answer it. When Hyunjae couldn't answer his question, Eric start crying hard again.

"I'm sorry, Eric. I'm really sorry" said Hyunjae.

Eric continue crying until he tired himself to fell asleep. Juyeon take Eric to his room, so he be comfortable on the bed. Hyunjae sigh heavy.

"They still haven't had a clue?" asked Younghoon.

"No. They tried to search all over the place but they still haven't found the car" said Hyunjae.

"Is Sunwoo okay? Is he eating well?" asked Changmin worried.

"I'm sure he's okay. We have to believe on him to stay alive until he been save" said Hyunjae.

"What if... after we save him and he had a bad trauma after he been through, what should we do?" asked Changmin.

"We help him. That for sure" said Younghoon.

Hyunjae nodded agree with Younghoon.

"We help him until he's better. He's our brother. It's our responsibility to help him" said Hyunjae.

Changmin let out a small sigh. He really hope that Sunwoo will be alright and get a good food while he been captured.

'Please stay safe, Sunwoo'

They hear a doorbell. Younghoon walk to the door and opened. It was Chanhee and Jacob.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" asked Younghoon.

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