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Sangyeon and Hyunjae are in the car. They still in the police station parking lot. After knowing who caused Haknyeon's accident, Hyunjae looked down. He really didn't think that Kim Yuri, Sunwoo's stalker caused Haknyeon's accident. She already hurt Sunwoo and Eric's friends. He felt anger and at the same time, fear.

"How long has she been stalking him?" asked Sangyeon.

"Since high school. She's a junior while Sunwoo and Eric is on their final years. The first time Sunwoo feel she been stalking him is when she give a valentine chocolate to Sunwoo. That's when she begin to exaggeration" said Hyunjae.

"She play victim in front of Sunwoo's friend. Make him like he's a bad guy. Treating a poor girl badly. Sunwoo was very upset and because he was looked down upon by his own classmates, he experienced severe depression just because of that girl!" said Hyunjae.

"It must be hard on him" said Sangyeon.

"We thought about reporting her to the police but we had no evidence. That's why after Sunwoo and Eric graduated, we decided to move. Far from the people they know and live a new life but I never thought she would find him so soon" frustrated Hyunjae.

He squeezed his hair roughly.

"I think the reason why Haknyeon involve this accident is because she thought Haknyeon will snatch Sunwoo from her. She's crazy! I'm sorry, Sangyeon. Because of us, Haknyeon became the victim. I'm really sorry" cry Hyunjae.

Sangyeon squeezes Hyunjae shoulder.

"Thank you, Hyunjae" said Sangyeon.

Hyunjae shifted to Sangyeon with eyes of disbelief. But Sangyeon gave him a comfort gaze.

"Thank you for telling me and because of you, we know who the caused that make Haknyeon like this. Thank you" said Sangyeon.


"With this evidence, she will get her punishment just like you want it. She will pay for this for what she has done to Sunwoo and Haknyeon" said Sangyeon.

Hyunjae was relieved to hear Sangyeon thanking him, instead of being angry with him. He was probably expecting him to be more upset and frustrated with him, but he was relieved that he wasn't. This told him that Sangyeon wasn't someone who would hold a grudge or seek revenge, and instead, had a forgiving and kind heart.

"Yeah. She will" said Hyunjae.

"Are you sure? She's the one who caused this?" asked Younghoon disbelief.

Only Hyunjae, Younghoon, Juyeon and Changmin in the living room. Eric and Sunwoo still at the hospital with Haknyeon.

Hyunjae nodded.

"How Sangyeon react?" asked Changmin.

"He's fine. He's relief to know the identity of her" said Hyunjae.

"I never thought she would do this to Haknyeon" said Juyeon.

"This is too much. He stalked Sunwoo, now she has hurt Haknyeon badly. I feel bad for Haknyeon. He can't walk for the rest of his life" said Younghoon.

"If she really here, we need to protect Sunwoo" said Juyeon.

"Sangyeon already speak to the other about her and they willing to take care of him too. I try to persuade them to not to because they already want to take care of Haknyeon but they still want to help. I'm really glad we have a good neighbour" said Hyunjae.

"We feel the same too, Hyunjae hyung" said Changmin.

"We will protect him and help Haknyeon when he's awake" said Younghoon.

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