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Haknyeon was taken to the hospital garden by the nurse so that he could get some fresh air and take a break from being inside the room. Since he's unable to walk and needs help to transfer from the bed to the wheelchair, the nurse had to assist him for him to take a break outside.

The nurse wanted him to take a brief moment away from the hospital room and feel more comfortable. By going outside, he could get some fresh air and take a break from being stuck in the hospital.

Haknyeon was reading a book in the garden, which was more comfortable compared to the small and crowded room. It was nice to have the fresh air and peaceful surroundings outside, and he could focus more on reading his book.

It was also relaxing and more comfortable to read outside rather than being cooped up in an enclosed space.

And since Haknyeon had to spent a lot of time in the hospital, reading in the garden was a nice way to pass the time and take a break from being inside.

While he's reading, Sunwoo came and sit in front of Haknyeon.

"Hi, Sunwoo"

"Hey, hyung. What are you reading?" asked Sunwoo.

"New book. Changbin brought it for me yesterday" said Haknyeon.

"What kind of book? Can I read it?" asked Sunwoo.

"It's about slice of life" said Haknyeon.

"Er... No, thank you" said Sunwoo.

Haknyeon chuckled.

"You really don't like this kind of genre" said Haknyeon.

"I have enough of that" said Sunwoo.

"How's your meeting?" asked Haknyeon.

Sunwoo had met with the physician for a few days now, and the purpose was to help him with dealing with the trauma from the previous events.

Sometimes, Sunwoo has nightmares about Yura. He has dreams about how Yura killed Mingyu, and he couldn't escape. In these nightmares, he's stuck in the cage and couldn't get out. It's scary and a horrible experience, and it makes Sunwoo feel anxious and afraid to sleep.

Sunwoo has nightmares about the situation because he's still dealing with the trauma from Yura and the kidnapping. These nightmares could be a result of processing the trauma, and they can be an outlet to help him deal with the situation in a way that makes sense to him.

"It went well" shrug Sunwoo.

Meeting with the physician has been helping him a bit, but the trauma and nightmares still haunt him. The events were still too painful to forget, and they still leave a negative effect on Sunwoo. It's hard for him to deal with the trauma, and it's something that will take time to fully process.

"I'm sure you will be okay, Sunwoo" said Haknyeon.

"Thank you, hyung" smile Sunwoo.

"I heard from Juyeon hyung that you want to withdraw the press charge on Kim Mingyu" said Haknyeon.

"Yeah. He been nothing but taking care of me. Unlike that Kim Yura, he worried for me and taking care of me. When I don't want to eat, he still came to change food to a warm one. I know what he been doing was not okay and it a crime but he also been suffering because of her"

"He didn't any love from her and been doing his best for her but Yura didn't care at all. She treat him like a slave. Tell him to do what she says" said Sunwoo.

"What your brothers reaction?" asked Haknyeon.

"At first they shock and keep asking me if I really want to do it. After I telling them about Mingyu hyung, they willingly want to help" said Sunwoo.

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