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Haknyeon was in front of the lift, about to step inside, when he heard his name being called out. He turned around and looked to see who it was.

"Haknyeon hyung!"

"Eric. Sunwoo. Good morning"

"Morning. Where have you been the last four day? We're being worried sick" said Eric.

"I'm sorry. I was visiting my Grandma" said Haknyeon.

"You're really okay, hyung?" asked Sunwoo.

Sunwoo and Eric remembered the last time they had met with Haknyeon, when he had been bullied and harassed by the group of students. This must have left a big impression on the two of them, and they were likely concerned about how Haknyeon was doing now. The last they had seen him, he had looked hurt and sad, and they hoped that he was doing better now.

"I'm okay. Don't worry. I'm fine" said Haknyeon.

"Please. If you ever been in trouble again, tell us. We can help you" said Sunwoo.

Haknyeon realized that Sunwoo and Eric were also concerned about him, in addition to his three friends. He felt thankful that he had more people who cared about him and stood up for him, as his grandmother had said. This made him feel a bit better, as he didn't feel as isolated as he had before. It was good to know that there were still people in his life who supported and understood him, and he appreciated having them there.

"Yes. Thank you" said Haknyeon with smile.

Sunwoo and Eric were stunned to see Haknyeon smile. To their knowledge, they hadn't seen him smile before. He had always been very reserved and quiet, and didn't express much emotion. To see him smile for the first time was unexpected and a reminder that he was still human, and had feelings beyond sadness, worry, and hurt.

"I never thought you know how to smile" said Sunwoo.

Haknyeon flustered with a red blush cheek.

"Am I.. look weird?" asked Haknyeon.

"No. You look great with smile. I hope I can see you smile a lot" said Eric.

"Thanks" Haknyeon said and pulled his hoodie to cover his face, holding back his shame.

When lunch time came around, Sunwoo and Eric met with Haknyeon and the others. The group then decided to eat lunch together and spend some time together. They all sat down at a table, chatting and laughing together, and eating their lunch.

"How was it studying here for a week?" asked Wooyoung.

"It was okay" said Sunwoo.

"Why don't you hang out with someone your age? We only be here for a few month and then we're gone" said Jaehyun.

"We're still trying to adjust this place first and it's take time for both of us to... you know, safe here" said Eric.

"What make you say that?" asked Changbin.

"Just... we are careful when choosing friends. Don't want the past to happen again," said Eric.

"Did something happen?" asked Jaehyun.

"It can be said that we chose the wrong friends until the problem happened" answered Eric.

"But you're okay with us" said Haknyeon.

"It's because you're all different. We can see how your friendship is. We are both comfortable with you all" said Sunwoo.

"If you really don't mind if we hang out together often," said Eric.

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