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Sangyeon, Jacob, and Chanhee are all waiting outside the operation room, full of anxiety and worry. Kevin is inside the operation room, performing the surgery on Haknyeon. They are all waiting anxiously for news about Haknyeon's condition. It's a tense time for everyone involved, as they're waiting to find out how the surgery went, and how Haknyeon is doing.

Jacob is in tears. He is crying in extreme sadness and worry for Haknyeon. He is very afraid that something bad could happen to Haknyeon, and he's concerned about his safety and well-being. He is worried that anything could happen, and he feels helpless and anxious during the wait.

"What really happened? How did this happened?" asked Jacob.

"They said he been involved with hit and run but..."


"They said this not a normal hit and run. Haknyeon been hit by a car and he been hit twice" said Chanhee.


"That's what they said" said Chanhee.

Jacob sat down in a slam due to shock.

"What's gonna happen to him?" asked Jacob shock.

Seungkwan and Haknyeon's grandmother came. They both has a worried face after they heard the news.


She hugged Jacob who is crying.

"It's okay. Haknyeon will be fine. He will be safe" said Haknyeon's grandmother.

It's now 3 o'clock in the morning, and all of them have been waiting in front of the surgery room for more than two hours. Haknyeon was still in surgery, and the wait time was getting longer and longer. It was a stressful and anxious time for everyone, as they continued to wait for news and updates about Haknyeon's condition.

"Grandmother, aren't you tired? You should rest" said Sangyeon.

"I'll be fine, sweetheart" said Haknyeon's grandmother.

Seungkwan came with a drinks. He gave each of them the coffee while Haknyeon's grandmother a hot tea.

"Thank you" said Chanhee.

Seungkwan smile.

Then, the door open. All eyes on the door and see Kevin walk out.

"Kevin! How's Haknyeon?" asked Jacob.

"He's fine. He's safe" said Kevin.

They all let out a relief in their breath.

"Thank god"

Sangyeon see Kevin face is not that relief.

"Kevin. Did something happen? Is there anything wrong with Haknyeon?" asked Sangyeon.

Kevin look down with sad expression in his face.

"Haknyeon... Haknyeon might cannot walk anymore" said Kevin.

They all shock.

"No. What do you mean he can't walk anymore?" asked Chanhee.

"His spinal has been damage after been hit twice by the car. His spinal will be recovered but he might not be able to feel his leg after he's awake" said Kevin.

"No. No. No! You kidding, right?" asked Chanhee.

"I'm sorry" said Kevin.


Kevin hug Chanhee tight.

"Hyung. Have you seen Sangyeon hyung or anyone today?" asked Eric.

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