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All the siblings stay at a nearby hotel for the night, so they can be close to Haknyeon and Sunwoo who also need to stay at the hospital for another night. Jaehyun, Wooyoung, and Changbin have already gone back home with the other students.

Kevin and Changmin will stay at the hospital to take care of Sunwoo and Haknyeon for the night.

Eric is sleeping soundly and comfortably in the hotel bed, after a long night of worry about the safety of Sunwoo. He did not get much sleep because he's too worry about Sunwoo, but now seeing that he is safe gives him peace of mind. He is relieved and happy to know that Sunwoo is okay and that he can now sleep comfortably and soundly.

"I never thought this would happen to them. They must be so scare" said Younghoon.

Hyunjae, Younghoon, Sangyeon, and Jacob sit at a table for four in the bar of the hotel. It seems like they are catching up on what has happened and possibly discussing their next plans. Juyeon and Chanhee are in Eric's bedroom, watching over him and making sure that he is well and sleeping comfortably.

"Hope it doesn't leave a trauma on them" said Jacob.

He is worried that the current incident might add more trauma to Haknyeon, who already has trauma from his past. He does not want Haknyeon to be more stressed from what has happened and to be more traumatized by this incident.

Haknyeon is still recovering from the stress that happened in the cafe before, and this might add more pressure to him. He is already dealing with a lot of stress and pressure, and this incident might make everything more difficult for him to handle. He is worried and concerned about how this will affect him and his mental health.

Sangyeon tap Jacob shoulder to give him some comfort.

"I'm sure Haknyeon will be alright. He has his friend and us to support him" said Sangyeon.

"I hope so too" said Jacob.

"Sangyeon hyung. This may have nothing to do with me because it may involve your sibling relationship but before this Eric told me that he had heard rumors about Haknyeon" said Hyunjae.

Sangyeon and Jacob look at Hyunjae.

"What kind of rumors?" asked Sangyeon.

"Haknyeon didn't tell you anything?" asked Hyunjae.

"Not that he ever told us what happen" said Sangyeon.

"Eric said that they heard a rumors that Haknyeon is not your biological brother and he illegitimate child" said Hyunjae.

Sangyeon and Jacob exchange a look with each other. They do not look surprised, but it seems like they expected this to happen. Hyunjae and Younghoon are confused at their reactions, not understanding their expectations or how they knew that something like this would occur.

"How long they been heard this?" asked Jacob.

"Since the first day" answer Younghoon.

"No doubt about that" shrug Sangyeon.

They even more confuse.

"What are the rumors that they heard everything is true. Haknyeon is not our real brother. He is not related to us by blood. His parents died when he was 5 years old and our parents adopted him" said Sangyeon.

"How about illegitimate child?" asked Younghoon.

"From what I heard, Haknyeon mother married with his father when she studying at Hong Kong. They got married secretly without anyone knowing. When Haknyeon's mother gave birth to him, they returned to Korea and met her family" said Sangyeon.

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