"Oh, mind you but She is sitting with me" Sakura said! Uffffffff am I their crush or what!? nevermind no one can resist my charm anyways-

"Step aside girlsssss- King is here with his partner YES YOUR KING FINALLY GOT A PARTENER" It was Self proclaimed King Kiba with his partner Akamaru who's extremely young puppy as of now 

"Shut up kiba!" Said Ino and Sakura together

"You! I clearly remember you! I remember how you said I can't handle my pet if I get one! See!? You see this? Me and my partner are best friends" he said suddenly going angry to full smug

"It's cause this buddy here have brain unlike you! Right buddy" I said showing Akamaru fist bump who completed the fist bump with his head, while sitting on kibas head

"Hey hey hey! Akamaru she's a bad girlllllllll" kiba said to Akamaru who just ignored him and happily nod towards me

"Awww Akamaru you are such a intelligent pet, take care of this dumb head" I said making kiba even more pissed and Akamaru even more happy

"You- You! Stop taming my partner" Kiba said receiving a "tsk tsk tsk" from me then just going away from me.... this whole thing distracted Ino and Sakura! Good for me

"Hina, here's you lunch box... I had it with me-" said Neji, who just entered my class but he suddenly stopped, looked at my whole class... and just came towards me without saying anything

He kept staring at me, without saying anything, what happened brooooo!? 

"What?" I asked

"I just noticed... why did you wear this? Why does your class have so many boys" He said

"Eh?" I didn't know what to say

"You- eh! Weh! I don't care you are wearing this jacket" he said taking off his jacket, and literally putting it on me.. he was on his t-shirt that was pretty big and had sleeves that reached his elbows 

"BRO! You have zero fasion sense" I mean I was looking pretty cool but here comes this bitch 

"Doesn't matter, I don't care. You have to wear this" he said then looked towards someone then nodding

I looked the way he was looking and saw Sasuke silently clapping then giving Neji thumbs-up! Oh boy

Suddenly the class bell ring, Neji bid bye... I looked towards Sasuke showing him my fist, man you are getting one hell of beating from me!

I ended up sitting at my original place that was with Kiba and Shino.... soon Iruka entered and the class began... 

This whole time I was just looking at Shino! He was one of the character I was interested in... no cap this bitch is so handsome but his face was never revealed.... for sure he have killer eyes cause the side eye view of his were great!

Iruka was teaching... but I didn't bother to listen, not because I knew everything like those fanfiction but because I genuinely didn't give a fuck!

Suddenly there was Bang on the classroom door- Here comes the hero! 

"NARUTO WHY ARE YOU SO LATE ON YOUR FIRST DAY" Screamed Iruka, who got a mini heart attack thinking Naruto broke the door... I was just hearing them as I was busy looking at Shino who didn't give a fuck about me staring at him

"I was helping a blind lady" Naruto said.

Iruka nodded not wanting to waste any more time, Naruto sat beside Sakura who was sitting beside Sasuke

"Wait- WHY ARE YOU SITTING THERE HINA AND STOP LOOKING AT HIM" screamed Naruto yet again but this time I turned towards him breaking my one way stare at Shino! Before I could say something Iruka took lead

Reincarnation as Hinata Hyuga Where stories live. Discover now