He taps his chest "...and the inferno that destroyed us" Thranduil stares at Thorin who shouted in Dwarvish but moving to him Thranduil said "Do not talk to me of dragon fire" He leans in "I know its wrath and ruin" Slowly parts Thranduil face begins to burn, and his left eye went white "I have faced the Great Serpents of the North" He moves back his face goes normal.

He stares at Thorin who wasn't fazed "I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon" Thorin glares at him "But he would not listen" Thranduil turns and walk up the steps looking to him "You are just like him" He motion his hand and two Elf Guards grab Thorin "Stay here if you will..." Thorin looks to Thranduil "...and rot".

The Guards drag Thorin down the stairs "A hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an Elf" Thorin struggles to get out of their hold "I'm patient" Thranduil watch them leave "I can wait" The guards drag Thorin to the dungeons and the Elf shove him in a cell before closing the door and locks it walking away with the keys.

Walking to the door Balin ask "Did he offer you a deal" Pacing Thorin said "He did" He stops staring "I told him he could îsh kakhfê ai-'d dûr-rugnu" That made Balin close his eyes as Thorin looks up "Him and all his kin" Smiling Balin said "Well, that's that, then" He nods before frowning "A deal was our only hope" Balin turns away from the door while Thorin said "Not our only hopes".

Meanwhile Bilbo looks around a pillar before walking forward slowly suddenly Thranduil said "I know you're there" He appears looking in the direction where Bilbo stares at Thranduil who turns "Why do you linger in the shadows" Walking from behind Tauriel said "I was coming to report you" Bilbo heard her, and he sighs in relief.

Tauriel walks forward Thranduil said "I thought I ordered that nest to be destroyed not two moons past" He motions with his head then looks to Tauriel who said "We cleared the forest as ordered, my lord" She paces "But more spiders keep coming up from the South" Slowly Bilbo walks looking to them "They are spawning in the ruins of Dol Guldur".

Thranduil stares at her "If we could kill them at their source..." But Thranduil said "That fortress lies beyond our borders" He looks back "Keep our lands clear of those foul creatures" Tauriel stares at him "That is your task" Turning Turiel ask "And when we drive them off, what then" She pace back to Thranduil "Will they not spread to other lands" Thranduil said "Other lands are not my concern" Tauriel stares at him.

Bilbo slowly moves pass them "The fortunes of the world will rise and fall" Thranduil turns holding his hands together "But here in this kingdom, we will endure" Bilbo heads down the steps just as Thranduil looks in the direction while Tauriel lowers her head and begins to leave Thranduil looks back "Legolas said you fought well today".

Tauriel stops turns then looks to Thranduil who stares "He has gron very fond of you" Turning her head Tauriel said "I assure you, my lord..." She moves her gaze "...Legolas thinks of me as no more than a Captain of the Guard" Turning Thranduil said "Perhaps he did once" He walks pass Tauriel "Now I'm not so sure" Moving her head Tauriel said "I do not think you would allow your son to pledge himself to a lowly silver Elf".

Looking in a direction Thranduil said "No, you are right" He raise his head "I would not" Tauriel lowers her head "Still, he cares about you" She raise her gaze and Thranduil looks to her "Do not give him hope where there is none" Tauriel slowly raise her head and leaves just as Thranduil leaves suddenly landing on the floor is Reaper who looks in both direction before moving down the stairs where Bilbo went.

Meanwhile nighttime arrived Guards are seen at the Elven gate but not far is Bolg and a few orcs staring an Orc name Narzug said "The gates are guarded" But watching from behind a tree Bolg said "Not all of them..." He turns raising his mace "...follow me" The Orcs follow Bolg while Kili is holding a stone with writing on it.

The Hobbit and the Silver Eye WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now