9- School Shooting

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Tw is in the title. I would like to take into account that i have fortunately not experienced this first hand and ive never had a drill. So if some of this isnt realistic then i sincerely apologise. If you dont want to read it, then skip to the note at the end when i will give a brief summary so you are all caught up without any detail

That very morning, MaryAnne got dressed for school at noahs house and then the two best friends plus lin all went to school. The boys mother dropped them off whilst Ian and mickey were grateful for the lie in. Leo had started sleeping through the night however, with the age gap, they'd still have to wake up for maryanne. So to have a rest was very much appreciated

It was a normal boring day at school. Maryanne wishes it had stayed that way. But things were about to change

"I'm bored as hell" maryanne grumbled to noah as they listened to their teacher. Both were very close to falling asleep. But the startling loud bang snapped everybody back to the real world

"What was that?" A girl cried out whilst the teacher rushed to lock the door. They had drills for this kind of thing, but never did they think it would actually happen. Noahs hand gripped maryannes tightly, both equally terrified. As they all hurried under their desks, maryanne began to pray. She hadn't prayed for a long time. But right then, she prayed for the life of all her classmates and peers, the life of the teachers, and civilians who may be walking past and most importantly, the life of lin. She had no idea where he was and that was terrifying. The unknown was a horrific fear

Maryannes eyes met noahs, both with tears and a quivering lip. His arm went around her whilst her whole body shook


There is was again. A girl in class began crying loudly, so the teacher had to be very fast to calm her down otherwise it would give their position away. Maryanne never understood the point in hiding. The door was locked, the window concealed. If the shooter got in, he wouldn't look at the desks and think

Hmm...no one here

He would just go around and shoot them all dead. God. The thought was terrifying for everyone involved.

Meanwhile, mickey and ian woke up to their phones ringing

"Who the fuck is calling?" Mickey groaned as Leo began crying. Ian answered it. It was noahs mother. She was in hysterics telling them to turn on the news. When they did, it didn't take long for them to scramble out of bed, getting dressed as quickly as possible, grabbing Leo and going to the car

"Fuck fuck fuck" mickey yelled, hitting the steering wheel angrily as they parked up. Once they reached the school, they had to be kept away so the police could do their job

"Fuck you playing at? Why are you out here and not in there?" Mickey asked angrily, grabbing an officer by the collar before Ian pulled him away

"Sir, please remain calm. It isn't safe to enter the building just yet. Please step away"

"And its safe for our kids to be in there?" Mickey almost strangled the officer, but hearing Leo's cries stopped him.

"Lin messaged. He isn't with the kids" their mother said (I can't remember if I named her so let's call her betty)

Ian wrapped his arm around the sobbing woman as he also cried, kissing the top of her head

"They'll be in lesson, with the doors locked and windows covered. We just have to pray for the best. Whatever you do, don't respond to lin"

"But he's my-"

"You can't. You don't know if he remembered to put his phone on silent. We don't want any noise being made if he's hiding. I'm sorry Betty but you just can't. Please" she nodded slowly, understand that he made a fair point.

As the kids were in the classroom hiding, there was a knock on the door

"It's the police. You're safe to open the door" they didn't reply. Maryanne had to bite her bottom lip from crying, looking up at the sky, begging god for his mercy

"We need you to open the door and exit the school. The shooter is in our custody"

"We don't feel comfortable doing that" the teacher spoke up. There wasn't a dry eye in the room as kids all thought of the worst. Even if they didn't die, they knew from the gunshots that someone else was likely dead. Perhaps their siblings, their friends or their teachers. Whoever it was. A life had been lost

As the person outside the door kept speaking, the teacher opened a window, and each child climbed out thankful to be on the bottom floor. Now it was against the drill policy but the teacher couldn't risk it anymore. Once noah and maryanne were outside, they ran to the front of the building in site of all the police and parents. At the site of her father's, maryanne ran full speed, tears pouring down her face. She jumped into their arms, sobbing loudly whilst her hands shook with pure fear

"I was so scared" she cried, clinging onto Ian

"I know sweetheart. Oh darling I'm so sorry. You're safe now. I promise, you're safe" he whispered, holding her against his chest as he cried

"Someone was shot. Who was shot? Are they dead? Is it lin? Is it-"

"We don't know. You're the only students who have left the building. No police have entered yet"

"There was a man at the door. He kept saying he was the police" noah stuttered, realising that it really was the shooter as they had presumed.

"You're alright now. Both of you" mickey said, hugging them both as Leo joined in with the crying. He didn't understand the tears, but he felt the need to be apart of whatever was going on

It took half an hour before they caught the shooter. Before allowing the children to leave, they had to clear the body of the person who had been shot. Seeing them carry the covered body out, all parents began panicking, wondering if it was there child. One set of parents was pulled aside. Next thing you hear, screams of emotional and probably physically agony escape the parents. Many other parents also burst into tears. Maryanne recognised the mother. Her son was in the year above

Then, another body was carried out. This time, it was clear that it was an adult. A beer belly and tall figure. Noah and maryanne shared a look, listing mentally all the teachers it could've been. Once the area was cleared, students rushed to their parents. The tears could've flooded all of Chicago.

Lin hugged his mother and then brother. Then, when they parted, he turned to maryanne, both of them crying

Without a word, they hugged tightly, only added to the pressured tears that oozed from their eyes like a broken tap


OK. So for those who didnt want to read this chapter, this is a quick recap so you can still understand later chapters. Kids at school. School shooting. No main characters have been injured. 1 student. 1 presumed teacher.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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