8- Early Start

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6 months later

Maryanne was 14 now, Leo was growing every single say and he'd thankfully been sleeping through the night for the past month, so the entire household was very grateful for that.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy" maryanne whispered, poking ians face repeatedly as she crouched by his bed. Ian groaned, opening one eye and catching her finger in his fist

"Has your leg fallen off?" He asked


"House on fire?"

"Not that I'm aware or" maryanne giggled

"Then go back to sleep"

"I can't. I have a question and it has been bugging me all night," maryanne sighed, climbing over Ian so she could sit comfortably in the middle of her two dads. Mickey was still snoring away, completely unbothered by his daughters presense however Ian was now sadly awake

"Go on then. What is this oh so important question that couldn't wait until daylight?" Ian asked, rolling over to face her

"Does Leo remember his mummy?" Suddenly, ian was wide awake

"Well, I don't know. I don't think so sweetheart. He hasn't seen her for six whole months and even then, it was brief. Why do you ask?" He stretched his arm out and maryanne lay her head against his chest, cuddling closer to him

"How can someone not love him? I get that he's annoying and cries alot. But he was her son. Won't he be sad that she just gave him up like that?" Maryannes eyes were watering at the thought. She couldn't comprehend why anyone would give their child away

"It's complicated. Leo's mother was very young and she didn't have the proper support to raise a child whilst being able to afford things like food and shelter. It's because she loved him so much that she gave him up. Wanted him to have a good life even if it upset her to see him go. She's an amazing woman for making that sacrifice," Ian explained

"Are you gonna tell him about her?" Maryanne asked

"When he's older, we'll sit him down and explain as much as we can. When he's 18, he can go and meet her if it's what he wants. But right now, let's just focus on keeping the pair of you happy and healthy. You doing OK with having a new brother?" Ian asked

"Ye it's alright. He's really cute and funny. I do sometimes miss when I was your only kid. I'm just glad he's a boy. I don't think I could handle the competition if he was a girl," she sighs

"There would never be any competition. Not ever. We love both of you equally" Ian said

"I know you aren't supposed to have favourites, but you're only human"

"Oh ye? You got a favourite dad?" Ian asked with a smirk on his face

"Maybe" maryanne giggled. Ian startled tickling her ribs

"Go on then. Tell me" Ian laughed, waking mickey up

"I'm kidding I'm kidding" maryanne squealed with laughter, cuddling up to mickey

"Good morning papa" she said

"What time is it?" He groaned, holding her closer to his chest

"Well it's still dark outside so I'm guessing it's pretty early"

"You're insane. You know that?" Mickey laughed

"So I've been told. I'm going to noahs," maryanne said, jumping out of bed. Ian checked his phone. It was 4am but they were used to maryanne going to noahs house at random hours. Sometimes, it would be 3 in the morning and they'd hear noah walking into their apartment. Maryanne got dressed and called noah

"Hey. Come pick me up. I ain't walking in the dark" she said

"Noahs asleep. It's lin" lin groaned over the phone

"Hey lin. Come on man. I'm bored"

"Fine. Gimme a min" half an hour later, maryanne met lin outside the building. He put his arm over her shoulder and they started walking to his house

"Having fun?" Maryanne grinned up at him

"You're such a bitch, ya know that?" Lin complained, not liking being woken up

"Awe, I'm blushing" she laughed. They went into his house and up the stairs. Maryanne was about to go into noahs room but lin held onto her arm, dragging her into his room

"You woke me up. You're gonna keep me company" he said, flopping down onto his bed

"Happily" she smiled. Lin moved over and they both lay side by side, looking up at the ceiling

"Lin...what is this?" Maryanne asked

"What's what?" He asked.

"You know what"

"Ugh, I don't know. You're 14, I'm 15. That doesn't sound bad. But then, in a week, you'll be 14 and ill be 16. That sounds really bad. You know that I love you g. I always have done. You're part of this family. But, you're gonna have to wait until your older. Think you can wait?" He asks

"Ye, I think I can wait. This sucks" she sighed

"Believe me, I know"

"If I wait, then you gotta wait too. I don't wanna turn 16 and you be in jail. Please. Me and noah, we need you" lin had been caught stealing the other day but was let off with a warning. With his history in juvie, the family were terrified that it may be the last straw before big boy jail

"I promise, I'm not doing that shit anymore" as he said that, the door creaked open and in walks a very tired 6 year old

"G! I knew it was your voice" ozzy grinned, running over and jumping ontop of her. She held onto him, letting him snuggle inbetween her and lin

"Your mummy will kill me if she finds out I woke you up at this time. Go back to sleep sweetie" ozzy giggled but closed his eyes, leaning against maryanne and cuddling into her side. Lin put his arm over the pair of them, holding his brother and his friend close in his arms

"Youre English accent is fading abit" he whispered

"You're such a liar Lincoln!" She gasped, smacking his arm playfully before she closed her eyes and, just like ozzy, fell fast asleep

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