2- School

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The lessons were just time to introduce yourself and get to know the teacher. Maryanne didn't do much actual work on her first day, except for a short story they were all asked to write in English. It was supposed to be a short story about your dreams. Not sleep dreams. But the kind of dreams like bungy jumping off Ben Nevis! Or going to see the northern lights.

The teacher asked each person to read theirs out to the class. Alot of people had dreams about being doctors or firefighters. There were short stories (200 words) about holiday destinations or becoming king. Maryanne read hers out

I sat infront of the large fireplace, a book in hand and a blanket over my lap. This was the place I called home. The snow was still falling outside, as it had been doing for several days. A Christmas tree stood in the corner of the room, lights around it, warming up the room. The sound of tiny feet got closer and closer until the peace from my book was disturbed by an army of children and my husband. He sat by my side, our 4 children settling themselves inbetween us. Placing my book down, I turned to face their giggling faces, large smiles beaming up at me. The youngest of the bunch placed herself down on my lap, snuggling closer to me as if she was scared I'd dissapear whilst my husband picked up the book I was reading. His soothing voice began reading the book to our children, sending them off to sleep under the softness of the large family sized blanket. I watched as their eyes closed, one by one. Their bodies became limp against me, proving that they were finally asleep. I glanced up at my husband, thanking God for the family he had gifted.

Once maryanne finished reading, the class clapped as they had done with everyone else

"That was beautiful. But this was supposed to be about your dreams maryanne" the teacher said

"Oh that is a dream of mine. All these holiday destinations sound wonderful but I wouldn't be happy unless I had a family with me. I've always wanted to be a mother," she explained

"Congratulations. You just set feminism back 50 years" the teacher sighed, moving on to the other students. One of the girls turned around to face maryanne and whispered

"I thought it was a beautiful dream." The next person to read theirs out was noah. Maryanne prepared herself for some giggles. This should be good

As I lie in bed, my mind drifts to the sound of the ticking clock. But then, something else distracts me. Its his throbbing co-

"I think we should have a chat after lesson" the teacher sighed, moving on. The whole class had erupted into laughter and no one could read their story because whenever they tried, they would break out into laughter.

Once English had finished, it was time for lunch. Maryanne sat with noah on a table to themselves. They had made a few friends but didn't want to go and join their groups. Everyone had their own friends from middle school. But noah and maryanne went to a different middle school than the rest so they didn't want to intervene. As they started eating, a group of older boys came and sat down next to them

"Give me a bite" it was lin. Maryanne handed him her sandwich and he took a bite before giving it back. They were quite used to sharing food. Noah and maryanne were always together and often ate at one anothers homes, stealing food off eachothers plates

"How was juvie?" Maryanne asked with a smirk

"Had a blast. 24/7 party" lin grinned

"You think your dad could get me a gun?" One of the boys asked maryanne

"My daddy isnt getting you anything. I know you guys enjoy spending time in juvie, but wait till you go to real prison. Isnt much of a party from what I've heard" maryanne told them

"You got a mouth on ya kid. Ain't a bad thing ya know. You're from South side, aint that right?"

"Actually I'm from England. My parents are from the South side" she explained. As they were all talking and eating their lunch, some kids in her year walked past yelling,

"You tell your faggy dad that he can go shoot himself. Although, if he saw a gun he'd probably shove it up his ass" before maryanne could do anything, lin and his friends all stood up, pinning the kid up against the wall. They whispered something to him and then he ran away.

"Thank you. But I can handle myself"

"She's not wrong. I've seen her punch a croc" noah said. It was only a baby but it had tried to bite her

"Ye my daddy did not like that" maryanne shook her head remember how angry Ian was after she'd punched a crocodile

"Well that don't matter no more. You got us now. Noahs my brother, and you basically live at my house. Ma would throw a fit if you came home with a broken knuckle again," lin said. That was it. From that day, maryanne had protection from lin, noah and almost every boy in the 11th grade.

Maryanne went home after Ian had picked both her and noah up from school

"How was your first day?" Ian asked them both

"Despite spending half of lunch in detention, it was alright. Lin and his boys have given us their utmost protection so now, even the kids in the year above are scared of us" maryanne grinned

"You got detention? Lins back?"

"It was me that got detention. Apparently the English department didn't want to know about my sex dreams. And yes, my brother is sadly home. Its actual hell ian! I woke up this morning. Went to put on my socks. It was hard! Like, boy juice kind of hard" noah shuddered at the thought.

"Sounds like you've had a very productive day" he muttered

"Where's papa?"

"He's sorting some stuff out with work. He'll be home soon. The pair of you go get changed and I'll put your clothes in the wash," Ian said. They went to maryannes room and got changed, handing Ian their dirty clothes. Maryannes phone pinged so she looked at it and gasped

"What's wrong?" Ian asked

"Nothing. Noah, my room, now" maryanne gasped, scrambling to her bedroom as Ian shook his head

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