5- Don't Tell Daddy

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When Maryanne woke up the next day, she was the first one awake. Rolling over, she saw that Ian was sleeping peacefully and on the other side of her, mickey was snoring like a pig. So, doing what any decent daughter would do, she punched mickey in the arm as hard as she could, laughing to herself as he fell off the bed

"Jesus fucking christ," mickey grumbled, rolling around in pain as she just got out of bed and skipped away, going into the bathroom. Soon enough, she was ready for school and ian and mickey were eating their breakfast in the kitchen

"Ready to go blondie?" Mickey asked

"Sure thing. Let me just get a rope so i can hang myself," she groaned, kissing Ian goodbye and then walking off

"Well she's cheerful this morning" Ian grinned. Mickey got in the car with maryanne and they started to drive but not in the direction of school

"Wow. You must've really hit your head this morning" maryanne said as she looked at their surroundings

"You ain't going school today blondie" mickey said

"Then where am I going?"

"It's a surprise," mickey smiled at her

"You're the best papa ever!" She beamed as mickey kept driving. It was only when he slowed the car down that all her hopes and dreams were crushed

"You're an evil bastard ya know that?" She asked as they were parked outside the dentist

"Oh I know. Come on," unwillingly and with mickey physically dragging her, maryanne ended up in the chair of death. The dentist walked over with a smile

"Just a check up?"

"No thanks. I'm good," she smiled at him, sitting up before mickey pushed her back down. She didn't have a fear of the dentist. But the feeling of their fingers fiddling inside her mouth was extremely unpleasant and she wished to avoid it

Eventually, she had to let the dentist look at her teeth. They were perfect. As always. Walking back to the car, she glared at mickey the entire time

"That was not nice papa," she grumbled, crossing her arms

"OK how bout this. You don't have to go back to school. We can get ice cream instead. Peace offering?"

"Hmm...I suppose I could forgive you," she sighed, looking down at her hands. Once they had their ice cream, they went and ate it in the park on a bench. Maryanne finished quickly, running towards a tree that she loved to climb. Mickey watched as she pulled herself up onto each branch

"Some kinda fucking monkey genes" he muttered to himself

But, maryanne lost her footing and the next thing mickey saw was her falling from the tree

"Shit" he yelled, running over towards her. When he got there, she was holding onto her ankle, crying heavily

"OK. First rule of getting hurt?" Mickey asked as he lifted her up into his arms

"Don't tell daddy"

"That's right, don't tell daddy," he sighed, putting her into the car. The entire way to the hospital, she cried and cried

"It really hurt that bad?" He asked, holding her hand in the car

"It's broken"

"It's not broken. Trust me, I know a broken leg when I see one. Probably just twisted it"

"It's broken" the doctor was telling them several hours later

"You sure?" Mickey asked. The doctor showed him the x Ray and it was a clear break

"I mean, that could be anyone's leg," mickey huffed, not wanting to believe that his daughter had broken her ankle

"We'll have to put a cast on it and you'll get crutches to help you move around. We can talk more about the healing process after the cast has been put on," the doctor told them, walking out the room as he got the stuff ready to make the cast

"This isn't funny," he told maryanne as she giggled a little bit

"Daddy's gonna lose his shit when he finds out you let me skip school," she laughed, the drugs doing wonders for her ankle

"You're evil. You know that?"

"I learn from the best," she grinned, never finding an injury so funny in her life

"We could always tell him you broke it at school," mickey suggested

"Won't work. He'd get a phone call or a message. I suggest you start working on your excuse otherwise you'll be sleeping on the sofa tonight"

"Shut up" he grumbled.

It took a few more hours until she was discharged with a pink cast that reached just below her knee and crutches. Mickey carried her up the stairs to their apartment, not really wanting to open the door and face Ian

"Jesus papa. He ain't gonna beat ya. Man up," maryanne told him as she opened the door, hobbling inside with her crutches

"Hey how was....what the fuck happened to you baby?" He asked, walking closer and kissing her cheek as he helped her towards the sofa

"I broke my ankle climbing a tree"

"Why weren't you in school? Mickey? Got an answer for that one?" Ian asked

"Yes. Why do you always assume the worst of me? She broke her ankle on the way home from school because we stopped by the park. How was I supposed to know this would happen? Honestly, I'm tired of you always thinking so little of me so ya know what i-"

"School doesn't finish for another 20 minutes mick. Next time you let her bunk off, dont let her break her ankle in the process. How are we supposed to explain this to the teachers if they think she's had a sick day?"

"OK fine I'm sorry. I'll think of something," mickey apologised. Ian turned back to maryanne who was quite happy watching the TV

"You OK sweetheart? I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. Need anything? Anything at all?" Ian asked, feeling bad that he wasn't even at the hospital with her. She must've been in so much agony. Maryanne wasn't really in pain at that very moment because of the drugs. But she realised, she could work wonders with this

"It does hurt a little bit" she wobbled her lip

"Just a little bit? Don't gotta be brave around me honey"

"OK. Well...I suppose it really does hurt. Maybe some ice cream might improve my mood, even if it can't solve my pain," she whimpered. Ian went off to get some ice cream as mickey glared at maryanne

"You're good. You're very good" he laughed

"I am my father's daughter" maryanne smirked at him, suddenly losing the wobble to her lip

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