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luke, calum and michael sat in a circle. "another raid last night," luke spoke quietly. "heard they got alex." michael sighed.

"mum told me that june saw rebels." luke rubbed his nose. "got to the exposed before the raid started."

"don't called them that." calum hugged his knees. "they're not some type of plague, they never asked for it." it was the anniversary of ashton's capture. an exceptionally touchy subject for calum, he and ashton were inseparable since the day they met.

the three boys did this every year since the day of his disappearance. sat together moping. they all missed the bubbly curly haired idiot. they were once this little group of idiots. it just wasn't the same without him.

"i hope the rebels found him." michael said. "he'd be safe."

"my mum said that the rebels are murderers."

"like the united nations are any better!" calum yelled. "they're killing them and you know that, you should stop listening to your damn mum because she's not always right!" the boys went silent. it was almost a minute until the silence broke.

"i heard that juno's in the rebellion." luke spoke quietly.

"how'd you hear that."

"just talk around the street," he paused. "people are saying that someone saw her at that sabotaged raid."

"we know you miss her luke, but that's far fetched, someone said she's living with her uncle in the states." calum said. "apparently she's a gifted."

"or was." michael muttered.

"michael." calum whined and luke's face fell. he grew up with juno, they had been best friends since they were in diapers.

"what?" he hissed. "we all know bloody well what they do to them."

they were quiet after that. sending silent prayers to their lost friends.


so this book is kinda a spinoff of x-men i guess (i'm kind of a marvel nerd tbh). but i hope you enjoy it.

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