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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀exposed ; gifted

"ever since the nuclear power plant explosion of china on june 5, 1990. the new generations of children have been showing signs of inhuman talents and abilities. some have even mutated physically." 12 year-old michael listened to the woman on the television speak bleakly. "the united nations are asking all parents, guardians, family members, neighbors, and teachers to turn over any child that exhibits these behaviors to your local national gaurd headquarters immediately." the woman paused. "they are dangerous and need to be handled with the correct protocol-" michael's mom shut the tv off, throwing the remote towards michael.

"go outside please?" karen begged. "moping won't bring ash back, and i know you know that too."

"mum i just want to know where they took him 's all."

"mikey, i know you miss him, but they-they deal with them i their own way." she paused. "and for ash's sake, let's just hope it's better then what you're thinking of."

"maybe he was on that bus mum." he said hopefully. "the one that the rebels raided."

"love, i'm afraid the rebels may be worse then the UN. but we can hope, yeah?" michael nodded grabbing the remote once again turning the telly back on. the info lady reappeared on the screen.

"-the most common known exposed abilities are: pyrokinesis, the ability to control fire.
telekinesis, ability to control objects mentally.
teleportation; the ability to travel from one place to another at the speed of light-"

"michael gordon! i swear on everything holy if you don't shut that cursed thing off!" michael's eyes widened and he hurriedly shut off the devil machine.

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