20 : A Bet

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Isuel : ready girls 1 , 2 , 3

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Isuel : ready girls 1 , 2 , 3 .

She throw the flower backwards . She turned around to see who catch .

Everyone got shocked to see the person who catch the bouquet .

It was Lia and hannuel .
Yn was just behind them .

Y/n ( in mind ) : hannuel is going to marry soon okay this I know but Lia is this bish is dating someone and didn't even tell me wait yn it's just a game come on . This type of things are not real .

Jimin : tae

Taehyung : hmm

Jimin : did you notice something  .

Taehyung : notice what .

Jimin : look at hannuel . How weak and pale she is looking . And her behaviour did you notice like she isn't fighting with us like she used to . And the most important thing that she and yn is having hangout . They even talk with each other .

Taehyung : hmm you are right I thought it's my illusion but no right I will talk to hannuel today and .

Jimin : we have to find out .

Taehyung : what's going between them .

After the wedding

At evening

At kim mansion

All the elders are sitting inside the kim mansion chit chatting with each other . Meanwhile the youngster are at the backside of kim mansion chilling .

The elders decided to give them space for thier stufff . Taehyung don't wanna join it but since yn agreed he have to cause there will be going a lot of guys . He don't wanna leave her alone .

At the backside of kim mansion

At the backside of kim mansion

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MR COLD JERK KIM TAEHYUNG 💘. ( THV FF )Where stories live. Discover now