Chapter 3

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The guys didn't let themselves calm down the whole journey. They were always on the edge of their seats staring at me.

The journey lasted around 2 hours. The closest airport was a while away. I didn't mind the journey though, and i felt safer than I've ever been.

I expected a long queue time for the plane, but there wasn't much.

We were straight through the queue and just waiting to board the plane, seeing as the plane we were taking, didn't have many passengers.

Again, even on the plane i was surrounded by the men.

They were nice enough though.

When the plane started taking off, i got scared and grabbed onto he nearest squeezable thing. That just so happened to be the arm of the guy who sat in front.

I had shut my eyes as i squeezed his arm and only breathed out a sigh of relief as i felt it was safe.

I realised what i had been doing and quickly removed my arms.

I could've sworn that the guy had a tiny smile on his face thought, even if it was for a second.

I just smiled awkwardly at him in apology, not being able to face him for the rest of the flight.

The flight, went by quicker than i expected, and it was an underwhelming experience as i got off.

The airport was heaving with people, but i just stuck with the men as they led me out.

There were more of the same cars  that picked me up waiting for us. Is this the only type of car they get, ever?

We got in the same seating arrangement as before, but just as i got comfortable, a bag of some sort was put over my head.

It was pitch black. I couldn't see anything. I hyperventilated and I did scream but I soon stopped as it was kind of hard to breath and the bag was thick, so I don't think much of my screams were heard.

I was hyperventilating the whole journey, praying that every time we stopped we'd be at the school.

I was totally going to kill these guys!

I thought we were starting to get along!?

The car slowed again, and this time it stopped fully.

I sighed in relief.

The bag was yanked off of my head, and I found it hard to adjust to the lighting, i was squinting.

I probably looked like a right weirdo.

One of the men pushed me forward, so I took that as my sign to start walking,

There was a massive pathway to the front of the school, after passing the massive fountain that classed as a roundabout as well.

One of the guys took the lead and lead me to wherever we needed to go.

I need to learn these guys' names.

The halls of the school was magnificent. It was made completely of marble and stone.

I felt as if i was in a palace of some sorts. I was so excited.

I was lead to the principals office. The sign was very hard to miss.

The guy knocked the door. All that was replied was a grunt.


The door was pushed open and i was lead inside.

The office was bigger than my house.

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