Chapter 22: The Quick Offensive

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Milunka: Ne, odmah ćemo uništiti garnizon. Nakon završetka, vratimo se u Vytal. (No, we will destroy the garrison immediately. After finishing, let's go back to Vytal.)

Serbian Soldiers: Da narednik/da gospođo (Yes Sergeant/Yes Madam.)

Fort Pathfinder, Pathfinder Command

Inside the command room stood new General and Marshal a part of the Pathfinder Command. Grand Marshal Zhang Zuolin of the Republic of China, and General Yasuji Okamura of the Empire of Japan after spending the past months practicing English ever since their nations joined the United Nations.

Zhang: It is an honor sitting here with you all.

Yasuji: Yes, I agree with Mr. Zuolin.

Haig: The honors all ours gentlemen.

Zhang: So, I assume my men are having no trouble in this Mantle area?

Yasuji: I assume the same for my men?

Hindenburg: Your men seem to be doing wonderful!

Foch: Little to no casualties, and the said casualties are minor from shrapnel and such.

Yasuji: Good, good. What about the Serbians? I have heard they were sent in too.

MacArthur: Unknown currently.

Pershing: And if I would add we have new two generals and forces requesting permission to join our mission on destroying Atlas, and instilling peace in this world.

Everybody looked confused except Haig.

Haig: I understand their conditions, the first is obvious as his men were first here, while the others men are here.

Pershing: Then accept their requests to join.

Haig: I am, but currently we are in a big stage of the next operation we cannot-

Pershing: Supreme Commander, I understand but they could give in their hindsight, and maybe improve our chances giving less casualties.

Haig was sat there hearing Pershing list off the benefits as the others ask who it was before they were also discussing if they should arrive here.


Soon two pictures were on the table, one, the General commanding the 4th Marine Expeditionary Bridge, Lieutenant General James G. Harbord. The second General? Well, he wasn't a General, he was Field Marshal Stepa Stepanović, the last General who was commanding Milunka Savic, her Regiment and Company.

Haig: These two have requested and were accepted to join our commanding area. General James Harbord of the United States and Marshal Stepa Stepanovic of Serbia.

Solitas, Mantle

The Chinese soldiers were first to arrive at the garrison.

Chinese Captain: Gè wèi, jiāyóu! Ràng wǒmen tuīfān zhèxiē bàojūn! (Everyone, come on! Let us overthrow these tyrants!)

Chinese Soldiers: Chōng! (Charge!)

Soon an explosion occurred at the gates of the garrison with the help of a M4 Sherman that was tasked to help.

Sherman Commander: Qiánjìn! Qiánjìn! Qiánjìn! Jìngōng!! (Go! Go! Go! ATTACK!!)

Soon the Chinese rushed into the garrison as the Atlas soldiers fortified with whatever they could.

Chinese Soldier 2: Dǎnxiǎoguǐ! (Cowards!)

Chinese Soldier 4: Jìxù qiánjìn! (Keep going!)

As the Chinese fought through the base, the Japanese started to arrive from where they came in from.

Storm of Grimm [RWBY/WW1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن