8 - poison

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Your POV

Something blurry was invading your personal space. It looked like a human.

Humans are evil. 

Kill it.

You hate humans. They're the reason your parents are dead. Or you just blamed them. It was probably the truth.

You couldn't believe you let a human capture you. Something throbbed in your wing joint, maybe because the human shot you with a poisonous arrow. 

Unfamiliar scents floated in the air above you, dragons and humans alike. A Deadly Nadder, Monstrous Nightmare, Gronkle, Hideous Zippleback, and something else that was indistinguishable. Why are they all together? They would be perfect prey for you if you weren't injured.

"Y/n?" something else crept up behind you. A black dragon you couldn't recognize.

You stood up and smacked whoever it was in the face with your tail. You felt a blinding headache appear. 

"Y/n, come on. It's us." a male dragon whined. You shook your head. Your thoughts were scattered and your instinct took over.

A bright white-hot plasma blast automatically fired out of your mouth. It knocked over two humans and a dragon. You ran for the exit, which was an opening of sunlight. Despite the pain in your wing, you took flight quickly. Pain, old friend :)

Whatever knocked pain into your head, you hoped it wasn't a human. A wild dragon like you couldn't be defeated by a puny human.

A loud blast beside your head made you fold your wing and take a sharp turn away. It was a plasma blast.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" you roared. It made your throat ache.

You took a dive down into the ocean waters below. That familiar high-pitched Night Fury whistle rang through the air. It reminds you of hunting for wild fish or sheep. 

The splash of water barely hurt your head, but the cold did. You were a very good swimmer when you weren't dizzy. But sadly, you were dizzy.

(A/n: goofy ah bc I feel like it)

You floated just under the surface of the water, trying to regain your composure. It felt like a part of your brain was missing. Memory loss was too typical/iconic for main characters. 

Fins behind each of your legs extended. You twisted your tail to act like a fish and certain scales on your face, shoulders, wings, and body glowed a dark purple.

Your wings were burning white-hot under the freezing cold water.

You decided to dive down deeper into the ocean. Bubbles momentarily blocked your vision. 

A splash above you made you turn around. Then a tail fin smacked your face slowly. You grabbed the tail with your mouth and tasted blood.

A blurry black dragon with a human on his back was attacking you. Well, not attacking, just trying to swim? What kind of dragon doesn't know how to swim? I mean, you're a sky, land, and water dragon. 

You clawed at the dragon's saddle and grabbed the human. A boy with half a leg. Easy prey.

You pushed the two away from you and swam needle-like through the water. The glowing purple scales gave some light in the darkening water. 


After swimming for a long time (you had gills) you arrived at the volcanic caldera that was the entrance to your original home. It was just an instinct that led you here. And you were sure those human-petted dragons didn't follow you.

You burst up through the surface, the sun glittering on your wet scales. The whistle and rush of wind deafened the sound of the roaring water as you pummeled headfirst into the waterhole.

"I don't even know why I'm here, but here I am." you muttered, the tiny growl echoing around. Your back spines down to your tail tip glowed a beautiful mix of blue and purple. 

You landed on a glowing pillar and about 100 small dragons scattered. You glanced around the huge glowing cave. There were a few dragons hanging from the ceiling, sleeping in the dim light of the illuminated stones.

A rush of excitement went through your body. You jumped from pillar to pillar, narrowly dodging a nest of dragon eggs. Night Furies were built to be alphas, because they can literally defeat other alphas. Easily. Well, it depends.

You flew into a huge cavern, filled with thousands of dragons. Swirls of bright blue, blood red, lime green, etc etc. 

You didn't know who the alpha was, probably that Bewilderbeast in who knows where. And it's not here. Most dragons saw you as an apex predator, not an alpha. Yet >:)

You flew to a spot near the higher area, sat beside a giant Rumblehorn. She gave you an icy glare, which you returned with a huff.

You stretched your wings and took in the view of the whole Nest of Dragons. You haven't been here in a long time, probably since you were born. But you couldn't remember how you left, or when.

Suddenly, everything in your vision went fuzzy. There was a sharp ringing in your ears, fading in and out over and over. The world seemed to tip sideways and liquidate before solidifying. You shook your head. An agonising pain throbbed in your wing joint. 

You suddenly felt the dragons all around you pushing and shooting their fire everywhere. Something was wrong; every dragons' eyes went red.

You flew out as high as you could, then landed in the middle area to rest the mysterious burning in your wing joint. You watched the hundreds of dragons fly in a flurry all over the cave, going crazy.

Then your vision blackened and you snapped your head up, facing the familiar wooden wall of the Edge.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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