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"Wake up!" a whisper-yell made you flinch awake. Your vision started out blurry and fuzzy but then it got into focus real fast.

"What the heck, Toothless?" you smacked his nose, rubbing your purple eyes.

"Ow." Toothless stood on his two back legs as he pat his nose.

"I'm hungryyyyyy." Hookfang said, growling loudly.

"Yes Hookfang, we'll get out of this so shut up about roasted yaks!" Snotlout yelled.

You chuckled. The energy here was enough to keep you awake for longer. "Don't worry Hookfang, we'll just eat whatever else wanders here." 

"Like... him?" Hookfang pointed a claw at Snotlout.

"Ew no, he tastes bad. I would say Hiccup, but Toothless will kill me." you said. Toothless snarled and jumped on you, pinning you under him.

"No, you don't get to kill him!" Toothless growled. You kept a calm face. 

"Who does? I mean, Hiccup doesn't look appetizing either." you said, trying to push him off. "You don't look heavy, but you're suffocating me right now."

You wrapped your wings around Toothless and tried to push him off again. He just snorted. 

"This should be illegal." you said. 

"Toothless?" Hiccup turned around after inspecting the wall of boulders. "Get off her, bud."

"Oops." Toothless leapt away from you, embarrassed. Such a cute puppy.

"You started it." you stuck your tongue out at him. He gave you an exasperated look.

There was a loud rumble from far down the tunnel. It shook the whole room. You stiffened your tail and looked around, trying not to fall into the wall.

Then it stopped.

"I think that was an explosion." Hiccup said. 

"Look, a hole!" Snotlout pointed at a missing boulder. Big enough for a person.

"Focus our firepower there." Hiccup said. "On the count of three."

"Three." Snotlout said. Everyone else gave him a glare. "Sorry."

"One. Two." Hiccup said. You gathered your energy for a blast. "Three."

All three dragons simultaneously fired upon the weak spot. A loud bang made your ears hurt as dust clouded the small space. The wall was cleared. 

"Finally. I was starting to get claustrophobic." you said, flapping your wings to clear the remaining dust.

"Let's go." Hiccup got onto Toothless's back and Snotlout jumped onto Hookfang. Luckily, the tunnel was still big enough for the dragons to fly through in single file.

"They shouldn't be far." Hiccup muttered. You could easily follow the sharp turns Toothless made, but Hookfang was having trouble.

"HOOKFANG!" Snotlout screamed at poor Hookfang as he ran into a sharp corner when the Nightfuries turned.

"... are we going too fast?" Hiccup turned Toothless around and flew on the spot.

"It's like you're doing this on purpose." Snotlout growled, straightening his helmet.

"Sorry. We're not." Hiccup turned around again and flew down into the darkness. Snotlout scowled.

"Hey look!" 

Hiccup stopped abruptly. You had to stop a second before hitting Toothless, but your wing still managed to brush his balanced tail. Which made him fall.

Trust (Toothless x Reader) HttydTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang