2 - Berk and Changewings

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Toothless's POV

"We're almost there." Stormfly said. I flapped my wings to keep the speed up. Hiccup steered me towards Astrid and Stormfly. 

"Hey, do you think we should find a rider for the night fury?" Hiccup whispered to Astrid. It seems like the female night fury heard and growled in a 'no' kind of way.

"I don't know Hiccup. Anyone on Berk would want to be his rider." Astrid said back. 

"I'm not a boy for Odin's sake!" I heard the other night fury say. 

"We can't tell them." I said to her. 

"They're so clueless! Call him a dragon master." she said sarcastically. I growled in amusement and so did Stormfly. 

"Do ya have a name?" Hookfang asked. 

"... yeah." 

"What is it?" I flew closer to her, ignoring Hiccup's "Woah!"

"Y/n." she muttered. 

"Eh, not bad." I snorted. 

"You can't complain. Look at your name. Toothless? We're far from being toothless." she snorted back at me. I chuckled. 

"Good point."

"Hiccup?" Gobber limped forward. 

"We're back!" Hiccup slid off my back. I shook myself and rustled my wings. 

Everyone started to gather around to see the new dragon. Y/n hissed and arched her back, raising her wings in offense. 

"Relax, they're just curious." I said to her. She glared at me and I felt a skip in my heartbeat. 

"Is that-" Valka started.

"Another night fury? Yeah. He's-" Hiccup answered. 

"She." Valka walked forward to touch Y/n. She backed away and growled. 

"Oh um, heheheheheheheheheheheheheheh we thought it was a boy." Hiccup glanced at the others who just shrugged uncertainly and apologetically.

"I'm gonna go eat some fish." Hookfang muttered, throwing Snotlout off and flying away. 

"Hey!" Snotlout shouted at him. Barf and Belch laughed. 

"They won't hurt you." I padded to Y/n and touched her wing tip. She didn't soften her gaze but lowered her stance at my touch. 

"Where did you find her?" Gobber gaped at Y/n. She whipped her tail at him. 

"On an island. We were exploring and found her hunting. We, um, sort of had a battle before she decided to come with us." Hiccup coughed awkwardly. 

"No worries." I growled. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Let's take her to the dragon's rooms." Astrid said. 

"Okay. We actually don't have enough room..." Hiccup scratched his head. 

"She can sleep with Toothless and you right?" Fishlegs suggested. 

"WHAT?" Y/n yelped and jumped up. 

"It won't be that bad." I pushed her. She playfully shoved me back. It was enough force to knock me down anyways.

"We also need a rider for her." Hiccup nodded. 

"And a name." Astrid added. 

I knew that they would give her a name she wouldn't like. I shoved Astrid and Hiccup to get their attention. 

"What is it bud? We're kinda busy here." Hiccup turned around. 

I grabbed a stick in my mouth and wrote Y/n's name on the ground. I then made an arrow to point to her. She looked at me affectionately. I felt warm even though a cold breeze washed by.

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