3 - Training Day

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Y/n's POV

"Hiccup?" Toothless's roar was faint in your ears. 

"Allllllright bud let's go for a morning flight." Hiccup yawned, sitting up in his bed. You growled in annoyance, pressing your paws on your head. 

Toothless yelped and growled in happiness while you groaned. 

"What in the flipping time is it?" You said, staggering to your feet.

"I don't know." Toothless stretched his wings up and flapped them a few times.

"I'm gonna go see Illusion." You flew away, hearing an "Okay!" that sounded disappointed. Maybe Toothless was just disappointed that you were gonna fly with them.

You flew to the stables and found Illusion sleeping on some hay.She woke up when you entered. 

"Oh sorry did I disturb you?" You stopped, uncertain.

"No no don't go Y/n. I'm glad you're here." Illusion stretched and yawned. 

"So, how're you feeling?" You walked over to her and sat down. 

"Fine. That weird lady gave some medicine. What was her name?" Illusion said. 

"Gothi?" You suggested.

"Yeah. She wasn't that gentle though." Illusion growled. 

"Haha. Okay well-" 

Hookfang suddenly appeared and pounced on you. You immediately shot out a plasma blast and rolled on your back, squashing the dragon on your back.

"OW! What the hell, Y/n." Hookfang yowled and wriggled out. 

"Oh sorry." You burst out laughing.

"We're going training and Toothless wants you to join." Meatlug said, flying steadily to the ground beside Hookfang. 

"Oh wow okay." you said sarcastically. 

"No, seriously. Come on." Meatlug took flight with Hookfang.

"I'm not going right?" Illusion asked. 

"No I don't think so." you sighed. "I'll see you later. Go eat some fish." 

You flew just below the clouds, following the small silhouettes of Hookfang and Meatlug. 

"Why don't we do that flying exercise? Where we have to beat out flying time." Astrid was saying.

"Oh sure." Fishlegs said. You landed near Toothless. 

"We're just discussing." Toothless said to you. 

"Who debates about what to train? What about battle training?" you snorted. 

"Hey, maybe we can work on fighting with our dragons more! Like, working together. Bonding." Hiccup exclaimed. You rolled your eyes slowly at Toothless, who scoffed.

"Great idea Hiccup!" you said sarcastically. He gave you an I-don't-know-and-don't-wanna-know look.

"I wanna ride Y/n." Snotlout said, sticking his nose up in the air. 

"No way! Hiccup should. He's been with Nightfuries longer than anyone has been. He's trained Toothless for Odin's sake!" Astrid punched his arm.

"Ok fine ow!" 

"Hm. Let's try just dodging trees. We can work together right?" Hiccup said out loud.

"Come on." Toothless said before letting Hiccup ride on his back to the forest.

You landed in the middle of a light, thin forest, enjoying the sunlight.

"Ok come on. You can borrow Toothless's saddle because I didn't make one." Hiccup said, groaning.

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