Aiming for perfection Vegeta's big mistake

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You were shocked and all when you saw androids that look like 16 17 and 18 and you don't recognize that blue android

Vega: I can't believe what I'm saying right now you guys look like 1718 and 16 and you that blue one I don't recognize you

Razor: my name is razor that is super 16 super 18 and super 17 me I was created in a sub lab I have the DNA of all the fearless warriors. My mission was to fight by your side until the time was right, I have the DNA of Frieza cooler can cold Goku Vegeta and the rest our soul purpose. Our mission was to take down Dr Gero and their androids

Vega: that doesn't explain how come, you know me

Super 18: we've been spying on you for a while when you came on earth, you battled the Z fighters, but it was just Nappa did all of the fighting you betrayed your brother, and Nappa because they wanted immortality you battled Vegeta in your ikkari form then we were on planet Namek you were off on your own, but you came to the planet with Bulma Krillin and Gohan to revive your friends you were battling cooler squadron and Vegeta was fighting one of Frieza's men But even though you defeated them in the end, Vegeta betrayed you we check up on you to see were OK, but you were fine we gave you healing berries to restore your full strength, and then we left one hour later you woke up and you remembered that Faja betrayed you swore revenge revenge but the battles was about to get crazy force was on the planet and then they ran into you, but before that happened, you stole the dragon balls that Frieza had But back to what I was saying earlier, the force was here and they jumped you you hold your own, but eventually Goku arrived, and so did a Saiyan named Shallot you went after Vegeta Vegeta wanted the dragon balls for immortality, but you tried to convince him, but he didn't listen so we stayed on Namek gather data on the battles that you had. Eventually you turned into a super Saiyan fast forwarding you Goku. And Shallot went to planet yardrat you learned many techniques, but you learned a lot of techniques years have passed you were training with Shallot at your hardest to be stronger when the androids arrived, and I won't have to explain the rest because it all played out the same

Vega: so you guys have been my guardian angels, so what is razor exactly?

Super 16: he's a bio android he's an ultimate android, who had DNA of other powerful warriors on earth and the space pirates you battled

Super 17: but your battles were fun to watch how we created you we were created by Dr Gero's ex-wife plus her super computer Vomi

Vega: I didn't know he had an ex-wife they were together

Super 16: yes, their relationship ended years ago when Goku destroyed the red ribbon army base Vomi came back to the army base and she was upset and depressed about what happened what happened next will shock you so she created blueprints for a bio android that can surpassed the universe. She put herself in a 60 year sleep her super computer is still working The super computer is still collecting data.

Vega: you mean to tell me that she's going to become a bio android

Super 18: yes, that is correct

Razor: we come here to warn you about cell

Vega: who sell

Razor: cell is a bio android like me. He's in his second form, but he's aiming for perfection Here's the problem. Dr Gero gave him all of your strength

Vega: so basically, he made this guy overpowered

Razor: Yes he has your strength if he becomes perfect he'll be unstoppable and not only that she has the DNA of the Z fighters and king Cold because cell is from the future

Vega: wait a minute he came from the future that that means he stole trunks's his Time Machine she used the time machine to come back to the presents. We have one theory trunks destroyed the androids, which is all of them. He's in his second form he's going to hunt down android 18

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