A Boy From the Future the androids attack

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A/N: last time on Dragon Ball evolution, Goku Vega and Shallot are in a huge battle with Frieza and cooler as super Saiyans but it was a hard, tough battle, but they killed off both tyrants for good, but the threat is not over yet because their father king cold is heading to earth in a few years, what would our heroes do?

A few months have passed since the battle of Frieza and cooler and planet, Nameks destruction, and the Namekians left to their new planet, you and Goku And Shallot haven't got back to earth yet we see Gohan studying at home it's been a year since the battle on Namek, Goku and Vega, haven't come home, but Gohan wonders why then Chichi comes into Gohan's room

Chichi: hey honey, how's homework coming along?

Gohan: sort of slow

Gohan falls out of his chair because he was leaning back

At Bulma's place

Everybody was chilling, just talking and drinking

Yamcha: I'll tell you one thing guys this is the life I'm enjoying this piece thing

Bulma: yeah, but I can't help but wondering where did Vegeta ran off to?

Yamcha: oh, you know him he's probably chasing after Goku and Vega and Shallot

Bulma: speaking of him, I met him on planet Namek, when it was getting very dangerous, I looked at his armor. It was nothing like what Vegeta or Vega, where it looks ancient.

Oolong: well, at least Vegeta's not here because looking at the guy scares the bacon out of me, especially Vega

Bulma: under all of that tough guy act he's just a little teddy bear

Yamcha: oh, yeah, that teddy bear was trying to get the dragon balls seeing that guy gets on my nerves may I remind you what happened the last time me and my buds encountered him I got killed piccolo, got killed Chiaotzu Tien every time Vegeta is around he always make things worse and look at Vega how are we supposed to trust him? He's the biggest threat of all.

Oolong: you do have a point

Bulma: no, he is not. Vega might've been the cost of the problem at first, but he fixed it anyway besides, he thought for you guys.

Yamcha: let me tell you something Bulma you may think Saiyans are big, and great but dirt savages there Brutus all they wanna do is fight never trust a Saiyan

Bulma: you don't know them besides, Vegeta only wants to be Vega and Goku I admire someone who goes after what he wants

Yamcha: 00, so you admire him now huh?

Oolong: oh, somebody's a bit jealous

Yamcha: whatever

Bulma's mom: well, your father says that the ship didn't have a lot of fuel, but he said he'll be back soon

Bulma😞: I can wish the same thing for Goku and Vega

Suddenly the capsule Corp. spaceship crash down on the front lawn

Bulma's mom: I need the shippers back and it's on the front lawn

The spaceship door opened, and Vegeta came out of it Yamcha was ready to fight Vegeta

Yamcha: Vegeta what the hell are you doing here you're not supposed to be here

Bulma's mom: so how was space Huh

Vegeta: I don't since those idiots Kakarot or Vega's energy around here

Yamcha: wait, you mean to tell me you didn't find Vega or Goku out there

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