Namek saga/going to planet Namek

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At the hospital

Everybody was recovering from the battles Goku  was in bed, but he was in bandages you were thinking about your HomeWorld being destroyed by Frieza and cooler you couldn't think nothing except revenge

Krillin: yeah, the doctor said Goku will be fine just a few days

Vega: a few days, huh that's disappointing. I won't get that fight I was going to get, but this is disappointing

Goku: me too when I'm fully healed will get that fight I promise you that

Vega: awesome

Krillin: anyways Goku, the doctor says you have to stay here for observation

Goku: hey you got me beat he told me I had to wait for four months for my injuries to heal but he even said, even if they do, they'll never be the same

Korin: oh, I wouldn't worry about that The next Drop of Senzu beans will be ready about a month or so

Vega: saw the Senzu beans except a different awesome can't wait to eat them when we get injured know what I mean Gohan

Gohan: Yeah

Korin: you'll be up in about before you know it, Goku

Krillin: so that you're stuck, looking like a mummy who forgot to wrap your face

yajirobe: I can't believe you guys never thanked me when I cut off his tail

Vega: except you ran like a little chicken, you pipsqueak

yajirobe: I only did that so I can get him to let his guard down so I can take them out you idiot

Vega: even so, my bro has the eyes on the back of his head there's no way you can take him out with his guard down

Everyone started laughing

Krillin: yeah, right

Ox king: I'm just so proud of all of you for taking out Saiyans no offense in Vega but you're still here

Vega: none taken I'm not offended

Ox king: no, only you save the human race but now everyone in the battle can be brought back to life

Bulma: hey, turn on the TV is all over the news

Bulma barge in to the hospital room

Master Roshi: oh Bulma it's you I thought you were a mannish nurse with a Dated hairdo

Bulma got bad but walks to the TV and turns it on

Bulma: I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that your check it out

You and everybody else were watching the news

Vega: that's one of ours

Bulma: Right

Goku: hey, I can't see

Master Roshi: I don't like the sound of this it was our only hope but it's locked up in the lab somewhere

Bulma: it won't be for long if this remote control that krillin found really works We can summon the spaceship right out our front door. They won't even know what happened.

Krillin: do you really think it's a good idea Bulma

Vega: yeah, I'm with Krillin on this one you don't know how to work that thing

Bulma: look, I'm the genius here leave the thinking to me besides, I spend most of my time last night, studying it

Vega: and here's the part where you fucked up

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