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Taehyung and Jungkook reachs the university campus everyone gets shocked to see both of them together.

Taehyung was feeling embarrassed to look up, the grip of taehyung's hand in jungkook waist become even more tighter..

He pressed his face hard on jungkook's back because all the students were gawking at them with excitement eyes..

Jungkook was feeling way proud to see everyone's reaction he was telling everyone with his eyes that

bitches look the guy sitting with me in my back seat is mine don't you all even dare think to approach him

Jungkook wanted to show people that taehyung was his that's why he was purposely riding his bike slowly..

Taehyung doesn't want to get down from bike in campus because if he once gets down here people would look at him strangely which he doesn't want..

Taehyung noticed jungkook is taking too long to reach parking lot he peek from his one eye to see where are they now he sees they are still on campus with angrily he said

"What the fuck are you doing "

"What's this question, of course riding"

"Ride fast you psycho"

"Sweetheart safety is important don't forget"

"When we were on the the highway you did not remember about safety now why the hell you suddenly remember about safety"

With a smirk jungkook says shamelessly "look at your left "

Taehyung suddenly peek to left with a irritate tone he said "Fuck the damn rules ride fast "

"I'm not someone who follow others order but you're exceptional " With that he drive fast and both reach parking lot..

Taehyung abruptly gets down from Jungkooks bike and was about to run when jungkook stops him by calling


Taehyung turns towards jungkook with irritate look and said with a forced smile "Thanks for the ride"

Jungkook again stopped him with a loud voice "sweetheart"

With a sigh Taehyung again turned "why the fuck are you saying sweetheart again and again "

He again said with a loud voice "sweetheart"

He knows Taehyung is getting irritate..

Taehyung strides towards jungkook and point his index finger to jungkook and says with a warning tone

"I'm telling you for the last time stop calling me sweetheart"

"Or what" Jungkook ask with a challenging voice

Taehyung got puzzled in his own word he start to think some excuse to tell Jungkook so that he'll stop calling him sweetheart with that he got an idea and said

"I've a boyfriend so stop flirting with me"

With raised eyebrows jungkook says  "Oh who's flirting with you , you're so full of yourself "

"Of course you bro" After hearing bro word Jungkook place his hand on heart and looks at Taehyung with a smirk on his face and says

"Ouch that hurts you bro-zoned me sweetheart"

"Stop your craziness and stop wasting your time on me "

"Who's wasting time I just wanted to be your friend that's it" Taehyung think for a moment then he shrugged and said "I don't want"

Then he again start walking towards the campus when again Jungkook stops him by calling "sweetheart"

Anger took over taehyung, he steadily strides towards jungkook and slap jungkook

"You really love to slap me and I really love to get slapped by you, kinky aren't we" Says jungkook with a grin

Can't.you.understand.this.much " He pressed each and every words properly so that jungkook can hear it clearly

Jungkook is looking at Taehyung all the time he didn't avert his eyes anywhere, he gets down from his bike put his hand on the pocket..

And comes to Teahyung's personal space means he's standing way too close to taehyung with a soft smile, he reach teahyung's ear and says with a whisper

"You're looking ravishing today sweetheart you applied some makeup too which is looking absolutely stunning and you've wore my favourite colour purple which is looking damn sexy on you" Jungkook slightly brush his nose on teahyung's ear

When Taehyung realized that Jungkook had slightly brushed his nose on his ears, his heart start doing backflips, katwheel, rollover and so on..

Taehyung said with a mocking tone to jungkook just to calm the situation "well I can't say the same because you always wore black from head to toe like a crow"

Jungkook chuckle when Taehyung said like a crow "uh-uhm at least you noticed me,well then I'll take it as a compliment
Thanks sweetheart" Jumgkook said with a wink

Taehyung heart will betraye him today now jungkook calling him sweetheart is making his heart skip a beat

"Let me tell you one more thing the person for whom you have come so beautifully will not come to college today" Jumgkook said with a excited face

Taehyung shout "whatttttt bogum won't come "

Taehyung is standing there with a open mouth all my hard work turned into dust oh god why do you hate me so much can't you see me happy for once.

"Ah-uh my guess was right you really did come beautifully for bogum "

"Shut up stop spouting nonsense I did makeover just because-just because I-I want to show my friend how do I look in makeup n-nothing else"

Taehyung open his phone and sees there is twenty minutes left to start his first lecture "I'm going I don't have any time for your nonsense byee"

This time jungkook didn't said anything jungkook is just looking at taehyung retreating back suddenly his eyes went to the swaying ass but he avert his eyes somewhere else before he'll start thinking some nasty things, he calm his breathe and said "uff you're making me crazy my tiger"

And he also make his way to his class

Jungkook reachs his class and saw namjoon , suga and hoseok his three diamond is already on the class he takes a sit with them and suddenly suga ask jungkook with a teasing tone

"Bro when are you introducing our brother-in-law to us"

"Soon "

Hoseok also join suga and aked him "hey tell us how does he look"

In one word jungkook said with a lost tone "Ethereal "

"Bro you're a gone case now..just like suga " said hoseok and started laughing

Now it's the time for namjoon to ask something "which department he's in "

Jumgkook said "Art's department he's a fresher, why"

"Nothing was just curious"

"Fresher? " Yoongi asked

"Yup.. Why" Jumgkook asked

"Bro my boyfriend is in Art's department and he's a fresher too"

"Oh that's great then we can meet your boyfriend and my soon to be boyfriend together" All laughed at jungkook words

"Bro you're too full of yourself first propose him to be your boyfriend, confidence is good but overconfidence will surely sink you down" Hoseok says with a laugh..

"By hook or by crook he'll be mine" Jungkook mumble to himself

Namjoon notice changes in jungkook's behaviour since he met Taehyung and this changes of jungkook is not healthy, namjoon mumble this is the first time I'm seeing jungkook like this I hope he'll not mess up..


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