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After doing my farm chores I didn't have much to do so I grabbed my rusty sword and pickaxe and made my way to the mines.

When I got there there was no one around so I went down the ladder. I'd only been down a couple levels so I hadn't been able to power up the elevator yet.

There weren't any monsters around so I started to chop away at the rocks, looking for another ladder. Once I'd found one I climbed down and looked for another.

I repeated this process until I reached a level with an elevator, the button on it said it was level 5. I quickly flicked the power on and heard a ding as it started up.

I looked around the level for a little and found a small chunk of quartz. I thought about Abigail and Sebastian and tucked it into my pocket to give one of them later.

A few more levels down and I thought I was finally getting the hang of it when I heard a flapping noise from behind me. I remembered last time I was in the mines and Audrey had to kill that horrible bat.

I spun around and saw one flying right at my face. I put my sword up to defend myself and swung down, slicing one of its wings. It disappeared into the darkness.

I figured I'd killed it, or at least scared it away so I went back to mining.

Just when I thought I was safe I heard wings flapping again. I didn't have time to pull out my sword so I just put my arm in front of my face and ducked as fast as I could. It apparently wasn't fast enough because I heard a screech and felt a sting on my arm.

I took the chance to put my sword in hand and swung twice quickly when it flew back again. It fell to the ground in a heap, it's wings sliced off. I bent down to observe it, seeing the wings might be worth something I picked them up and put them in my bag.

I took a look at my forearm and saw it scratched pretty badly. It hurt pretty bad so I headed up the ladder and to the ground floor, exiting the mines.

Stepping out into the sunlight I was blinded for a moment before my eyes adjusted.

"Alana?" I heard from my left. I turned to see Marlon, Audrey's dad walking up to me.

"Oh hey! I was just heading to the clinic, got a scratch in the mines," I said as I held up my arm so he could see.

"Oh no need for that, you can get patched up at the guild, much cheaper than at Harvey's," he said while gesturing for me to follow him there.

I shrugged and walked with him. It wasn't a super bad scratch, definitely wouldn't need stitches or anything, just a bandage.

When we got inside the main room it looked the same as before, with Gil sitting in his usual rocking chair.

I sat down at a small table they had and Marlon left to get a medical kit.

I heard grumbling from across the room and saw Gil muttering something. He saw me looking and I lifted an eyebrow. "So you and that blonde boy hm?"

I sighed. "Did Audrey tell you?"

He shook his head. "Nope. I just know things."

I was confused but didn't mention it.

"He treatin' you good?" he asked. I didn't know Gil very well but I could tell he really cared for whatever reason so I simply nodded. "Good," he said before turning his head away and continuing to rock in his chair.

I shrugged to myself and Marlon came back in the room. "Here, let's patch you up," he said while sitting in the chair next to me.

He took a cloth and poured some alcohol on it to clean the cut. It stung a little but wasn't too bad.

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