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I woke up to my morning alarm and went to get out of bed but felt pain shoot up my leg when I tried to stand. I remembered yesterday's events and looked around to find something I could use as a crutch.

Just then I heard a knock on the door and Sam yelled saying it was him. 

"Come in!" I responded.

The door opened and in he walked- bringing along what looked like breakfast: bagels, cheese, and juice.

"Hey, I brought you some breakfast. I hope you like bagels it's all we had at home," he said.

"Oh yeah this is great but you didn't have to-"

"As I said before- doctor's orders," he interrupted while setting the food down on my bedside table.

"Thank you Sam," I smiled at him.

"Of course. Now, what should I do outside?" he questioned.

I heard another knock on the door and Sam went to open it.

"Hey! Kept my word- oh hey Sam- I'm here to help with farm chores," Audrey said with a proud smile while walking inside.

"Same here," said Sam. "So what do we do?"

"I guess the only chore I really need done today is watering plants, but that's kind of a one man job," I said.

"I'll do it," offered Sam while heading towards the door.

"Alright, I won't complain," shrugged Audrey.

Sam grabbed the watering can and went outside while Audrey stayed with me and snacked on the cheese Sam brought.

"Sooo... Sam huh," Audrey said with a smirk.

"Uhh.. what about him?" I questioned.

"I think someone has a little crush," she said, flashing an evil smile.

"Oh come on- really. I've known him for like 3 days."

"Oh please 3 days is plenty of time to form a little crush. Plus- as your mutual friend I could play matchmaker for you guys," she said excitedly. "I can already tell he really likes you. Trust me I got that outside POV I can see the true love blossoming before me."

"I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM THOUGH," I denied although inside I knew I found him very attractive- I'd never admit it so easily.

"Hmmm. Okaayyy..." Audrey trailed off.

"Okay then what's with you and Sebastian huh?"

Her face turned a light shade of pink and she glared at me jokingly.

"Okay I'll admit you got me there BUT- that's not important right now we've gotta focus on you and Sam," she responded.

I laughed at her reaction but denied my crush on Sam again. She eventually gave up and Sam came back inside. We all sat on my bed and talked for a few hours about things like music, tomorrows egg hunt festival, and life in the city before Sam had to go run errands and Audrey said she had to go to Sebastian's to help him touch up his hair dye or something.

For the rest of the day I relaxed in bed with Toothless watching Tv and then went to sleep.

Stardew Valley Sam x OCWhere stories live. Discover now