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About a week later I woke up and fed my chickens and watered my crops. It was a harvest day today so I was going to make more money than usual from the peppers I collected.

Once I was done I remembered Sam's birthday at the beach was that night at 5pm.

Shit, I needed to get him a gift. What would he even want though?

Just then I remembered the tigerseye gem that I found in the mines with Audrey and Sebastian a while ago. It seemed perfect, from the moment I saw it it made me think of Sam.

I ended up spending a few hours going to Pierre's and getting some new seeds for the next harvest and planting them and before I knew it it was almost 5pm.

I quickly changed into my favorite bathing suit and grabbed a towel and some sunscreen before heading toward the beach. On the way I ran into Audrey and Sebastian walking down from the mountains.

Audrey was wearing a black bikini with a pair of black shorts and flip flops on. She also had on a pair of somewhat large mom style sunglasses and carried a tote bag that had a couple pins on it. I could see a towel sticking out of it.

Sebastian on the other hand was wearing black swim trunks and a white tshirt with an old pair of Vans. He didn't look too happy. I don't think it was the beach he minded, more the sun. I occasionally saw him on rainy days standing at the end of the beach dock with an umbrella enjoying the ocean. Sometimes Audrey was with him too which I thought was sweet.

So pretty much what I imagined they'd wear to a beach day.

Sebastian gave me a small wave while Audrey said, "Hey Alana! Cute bathing suit. Sam's gonna like it I can already tell," while winking an obnoxious amount and bumping my shoulder.

I blushed a bit before rolling my eyes and brushing it off while we continued towards the beach.

When we got there, about half the town was there. Sam might be a bit of a troublemaker with his skateboard around town but he sure is popular.

I eventually spotted him. What I saw first was his striking blonde hair. It looked slightly damp, he must have gone in the water earlier. Then I noticed his smile, he was talking with Abigail about something, and both of them were laughing at whatever it was. Then my eyes trailed down to his bare chest. He was tan, but not dark, and was moderately toned.

In other words- he was hot.

He also sported a pair of blue swim trunks. I almost passed out right then and there.

Audrey noticed my staring and nudged me while doing her signature eyebrow wiggle and then dragging me and a slightly uncomfortable Sebastian towards Sam.

We all said hello to him while I did everything in my power not to look at him because I might have started drooling.

"Here you go! It's not much but I knew it's something you needed and I couldn't think of anything to get you so," Audrey said while handing Sam a small gift bag.

He set it on the table and took the tissue paper out of it to pull out some weird clamp looking thing.

"Hey a new guitar capo! Thanks! I'll use this all the time since mine broke I've been meaning to order a new one so this is great!"

Audrey smiled at that and Sebastian handed him his gift. It was some new video game that I'd never heard of before.

He seemed super happy with their gifts and I started to feel insecure about mine.

What if he doesn't like it? It's literally a rock they got him such cool stuff what if he thinks it's dumb?

Audrey must have noticed my minor panic and in an attempt to either make me feel better or play matchmaker I couldn't tell which one, she grabbed Sebastian's arm and practically dragged him away while saying something about an umbrella.

Stardew Valley Sam x OCWhere stories live. Discover now