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A/N: this was kinda short but fun to write lmk if u guys want an AU where it's a fantasy world and they're all actually their solarion chronicles characters cuz i might do it
edit: i did it it's still in progress but u should totallyyyyy read it

Italics = dreaming


I watched as my companions fought along side each other to take down Dreadlord Xarth's skeleton army. I felt helpless.

Suddenly I heard a loud yell from a familiar voice. I turned and stared in shock as our warrior Sam fell to the ground. He was about to be overrun by skeletons so I dashed over to help. Using my dagger I killed a few of them and bent down to see the damage.

Sam groaned as I rolled him onto his back. I almost puked when I saw a bloody skeleton's bone sticking out of his shoulder.

I quickly went to work to heal him, but while I was distracted by his wound I didn't hear Abigail, our alchemist, shout from behind me in time. I suddenly felt a searing, intense pain in my back and fell sideways, blacking out.

When I opened my eyes I was somewhere completely different. Instead of a medicine bottle in my hand there was a pen, and instead of a battlefield I was in a cubicle.

I immediately recognized everything and started to panic. Was it all a dream? This whole time I thought I was in Pelican Town I was actually here? At work? At Joja Corp?

I heard a loud pounding on the wall next to me. I spun around in my chair and saw one of Xarth's skeletons, but heard the voice of my manager. "Get back to work Alana!" he yelled at me while walking away.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

Except once again when I opened them I was somewhere else. I was laying on my back in a dark room. I quickly sat up and looked around.

I was relieved to see I was on an air mattress in Sebastian's room. I was sitting next to Abigail, she was eating a waffle. Sam was laying next to me. He seemed to have been watching TV but had turned to look at me when I sat up. Audrey and Sebastian were still asleep on their bed. The clock read 9:07am.

Sam was okay. This was all real. I was fine.

"Are you good?" Sam asked me.

I hesitated. "Yeah, why?"

"You just like, shot up from your sleep. I thought people only do that in movies," Abigail said.

"I uh..." I massaged my temple with my fingers, "I had a weird dream I guess."

The both looked at me weird but nodded nonetheless and went back to looking at the TV.

Once I'd recovered from my dream more I took a better look around the room I was in. I'd only been in there a few times, and the night before it was too dark to see much.

It was a pretty normal sized room but there wasn't too much in it. Ignoring the air mattresses, there was his bed in the corner with the TV on a stand at the foot of it. Next to that was a dresser with a few books and a ton of comics and CDs stacked up on top. He had a desk with two bulky computers and a couple chairs to go with it. On the far wall there was an old black couch and a side table with a radio. There was also the table we used to play Solarion Chronicles and a sad looking plant in the corner. The walls were made of wood and grey brick and were covered in posters and sticky notes. To top it all off he had a rug by the bed and a dark landscape painting above the desk.

It was gloomy in here but weirdly nice.

"Are they still passed out?" I asked while gesturing to Sebastian and Audrey's blanket mass.

Sam opened his mouth to respond but Sebastian cut him off and answered for him with incoherent mumbles as he shifted in his sleep.

I scoffed and got up to get ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" Abigail asked me when she saw me stand.

"It's the last day of Fall, I have to go harvest the last of my crops and get ready for Winter."

She nodded and Sam spoke up. "Can I walk you? I should probably get home myself, I've been wanting to keep working on lyrics for the band."

I agreed and we grabbed our stuff before saying bye to Abby.

We took the mountain path to the farm and while we were walking I realized we were still in Sebastian's old clothes. "Do you think he'll mind that we left with his clothes?"

"Nah he won't care. Just get them back to him at some point."

I nodded and it was quiet for a second.

"Hey do you skateboard?" Sam abruptly asked me.

"Uh, no why?"

"Oh. I could teach you if you'd like. I'm no pro but I know a few tricks," he said while smirking at me.

I laughed and agreed to a lesson at some point as we arrived at my house.

Once he was gone I went and quickly harvested all the corn I'd grown. It was a decent amount. My farm had been slowly expanding and I had quite a few sprinklers and crops growing this season.

Once I'd fed the chickens and refilled the mayonnaise machines I made my way to Marnie's Ranch.

I quickly bought a heater for the chicken coop but in my way out I paused.

When I got back to my farm I had a new chick in my arms. I put her and the heater in the coop with the others and named her Ethan.

When I was done I cleared up a bit of debris and bushes and went inside for the night.

Stardew Valley Sam x OCWhere stories live. Discover now