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I had just finished my chores and was back in bed with Toothless watching TV when I heard my phone buzz. I picked it up and saw texts from Audrey.

emo A

hey. 10:32am
                                                                 and where
uhh your place
and yes
ok i come over at 8pm
yes good plan ok bye see u bae


I heard a knock on the door and went to open it. I was met with Audrey's smiling face and I let her in. Per usual she made a b-line for the cat and started to pet him.

"So why'd you want to have a sleepover?" I asked her.

"I'm off work today and tomorrow and was bored," she answered while standing up with Toothless in her arms.

"Fair enough," I said as I grabbed her bag and set it by my bed. "So what do you want to do?"

She shrugged.

"Damn you must have been really bored then. Wanna just hang out and talk about stuff?"

"Sure. Got any snacks?"

I chuckled and pointed to the fridge and sat on my bed with my back against the wall. She came back a few moments later with some cokes and chips.

"Okay so," she said while setting the cat and her food down. "I'm sick of waiting around for you to make a move on Sam."

"Is that why you wanted to come over? To set me up with him?"

She paused and gave me a look. "Maybe.... BUT I ALSO MISSED YOU MY LOVE," she said dramatically, making me laugh.

"But seriously, it's been almost a year since you moved in. It's getting annoying seeing you two be all nervous around each other like- just kiss already."

"Us just kiss already?! What about you and Sebastian?!"

She sighed. "That's different."

"Literally why. You two are perfect for each other! And don't even deny it it's obvious you like each other too."

"Yeah but, I don't know, it's weird. It's not like I just moved in and was like 'Awooga!! Anime hair!!' and stuff."

"He doesn't have anime hair!!"

"You're kidding right- you have a crush on Naruto bro."

"I think we're getting off topic," I said. I knew she was exaggerating but she was right at the same time.

She groaned and smooshed a pillow into her face. "It's weird. I mean we've been friends for almost 10- no 11 years and I mean yeah I had a little crush on him when he moved in but it faded overtime and now it's back and I'm confused-"

I cut her off. "Wait- 11 years? Really?"

"Yeah I've lived here my whole life but he moved in when we were teenagers. Now we're 24 and 25 and it's just complicated I don't know."

"Damn I didn't know you'd known each other that long. I always figured you two were just close because of your little crushes," I laughed lightly and she did the same.

"Well I don't feel like talking about him let's-" she was cut off again when her phone screen lit up. Speak of the devil Sebastian was calling. "I swear he's actually some kind of wizard," she said as she picked up the phone and put it on speaker. "WHAT." she shouted into it.

(A/N: italics = over the phone)

"Hello to you too wow," Sebastian said through the phone.

"What do you want?"

"Are you busy? I'm bored."

"You said you had work to do like 45 minutes ago man what do you mean."

"Well I don't want to do it."

"Do your work Seb bye bye."

"Wait-!" he was cut off when she hung up the phone making me laugh.

"Anyways, I need you and Sam together. Now. I feel like I'm watching a romance show and the characters take so long to get together that it makes me angry."

It was my turn to smash my face into a pillow. "What would I even do?"

"Okay well, don't tell anyone I told you this because Sam wanted to tell you at the Ice Festival next week, but our band got a gig in Zuzu City for the 13th of winter!"


She nodded vigorously. "Sam wanted to invite you himself," she wiggled her eyebrows at me, "but I couldn't wait to tell you. And, I have a plan."

"Oh no not another plan," I groaned.

"Hey my plans are great! I got you two to dance at the Flower Dance didn't I?"

"Yeah I guess so."

"Okay so, my plan is that I get you a really cool outfit for the show and you show up and- wait for it- when you're backstage to wish us luck before going into the crowd, you give him a big 'ol smooch," she said triumphantly.

"That's your plan?"


"What if I don't want do wear one of your outfits?"

"Okay I didn't think about that. It would literally make him explode though you should."

I glared at her. "Fine. Nothing crazy though."

"Yayyy! Okay I'll take care of the outfit and you just show up and look sexy as ever. Great plan."

"I'm not kissing him by the way," I said. I wanted to but I was wayyy to scared to.

"Oh we'll see about that," Audrey said mischievously.

I groaned and put my face back in my pillow to hide my blush.

We talked for a few more hours about random things. Favorite movies, bands, celebrities, stuff like that and we even strayed back to the topic of her and Sebastian.

I knew I shouldn't pry but I was just too curious. She ended up revealing that they'd helped each other through a lot like family problems (mostly from Sebastian's stepdad) and personal things. They really knew each other well and I started to understand why it was harder for them to understand and come to terms with their feelings and all that corny shit.

Eventually I got really tired and we fell asleep.

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