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"Um... you really didn't hear anything? They announced it all over South Side." Lisa was a little disappointed.

Jungkook sat up sleepily and leaned back on his pillow. Rubbing his eyes, he slowly said, "What happened? I just woke up."

"Fine... you sure know when's the best time to fall asleep." Lisa pouted as disappointment filled her eyes. She wished her husband knew. That way, he would be able to celebrate with her.

Upon seeing Lisa's cute expression, Jungkook couldn't help but laugh, "Did something good happen?"

"Nope... go back to sleep, I'll go wash your clothes," Lisa said depressingly as she picked up Jungkook's change of clothes and walked towards the bathroom.

Jungkook was fast and immediately reached out, grabbing Lisa's sleeve, "Doll... congrats on becoming a chief physician, you're the best."

Lisa immediately turned around. "Holy crap... you tricked me!"

Then, she threw the dirty laundry on Jungkook's face and bit down on the back of his hand. She bit him very lightly... as if she were seducing him.

"Doll... don't bite me there, it's such a waste... can you bite down on somewhere else?" Jungkook couldn't help but tease her.

"Where?" Lisa looked up at Jungkook innocently, and the latter felt the immediate urge to gobble her up.

"Take off my pants first... and then let's talk about this question."

Lisa immediately understood what he was talking about and began hitting Jungkook with her fists, "Can you be more inappropriate? This is not suitable for children, gosh... kook, you've changed."

"I didn't change, it really depends on who it is... You're my wife, I can eat you whenever I want to," Jungkook said as Lisa continued to punch him, his expression filled with happy content.

Lisa rested her head on his shoulder and slowly lifted up his gown... She felt heartbroken upon seeing that ugly scar on Jungkook's chest...

That military surgeon, Dr. Choi's suture skills were amazing, and although he used a scar-less suture, it would be at least 2 years before the scar would completely fade.

Lisa gently touched the area around the horrific scar and began making circles around it. Jungkook was shot because he was trying to save her... She will never forget that...

Even if she turned 80 years old and got Alzheimer's, she will remember what happened...

"Kook... thanks for being with me," she snuggled into his embrace and whispered to him.

"Doll," he quietly called her.


"Did you want to do it...?"

"Screw you..." Lisa felt like they were incapable of having a normal conversation since her husband kept harassing her every chance he got... leaving her speechless.


"What do you want?"


"Holy crap... Jungkook, can you not seduce me like this?" Lisa demanded as she blushed.

"But I don't feel well, not being able to have you... especially since I want to, a lot," Jungkook said as if he had been wronged.

"You'll be discharged in a few days, can't you keep it in your pants till then?" Lisa looked at him, angry and amused at the same time.

"A few days? That sounds really far away..."

"Haha... stop pretending." Lisa laughed aloud upon seeing Jungkook's expression; he looked like a grieving little housewife.

SET IN STONE• (part-2)Where stories live. Discover now