13. Wake up

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The thumb hurt after half an hour. Bora decided to ignore it, fighting the urge to put the phone down once and for all to try to rest; but it happens that she has nothing else to do.

It was either staying in bed like she had been doing all morning or going out to the living room, where Hyejung was probably working from her laptop. Namjoon had gone out to buy the ingredients to make cookies between the three of them, and so he left the two women alone.

Well, women is more of a saying.

Bora just wanted it to take as long as possible: she wanted to do anything except sit around dealing with dough and 'funny' anecdotes from her stepmother for the rest of the afternoon; endure that her father preferred hers because Bora had never been able to cook.

The screen of her cell phone was open to Jungkook's profile. As soon as Bora had turned on her phone, it exploded with messages from her uncle, from members of the band, from several of her friends who asked to see her...she answered them all, trying to find a conversation, but even her uncle was busy. Then, when she no longer had anyone else to talk to, that's when she realized that she had nothing sent by the boy who had kissed her. Surprised, she checked social networks, or messages or calls.

However, there was nothing. That made her want to cry again.

Would you have been afraid to talk to her because of how she reacted? Would she be protecting herself from her because Yoongi found out? Was she trying to get Bora to talk to her first? There was no clear answer.

Bora caressed her face, remembering the man's big hands. Jungkook was already of age, he had already finished high school, she smoked. She suddenly remembered the tattoo on her neck 'Dream' he said. She had seen him up close when he started kissing her neck. Something ran down her back, she felt like cold slime.

His touch had caused her to reject him, even though he was someone she liked so much, even though he was exciting. She didn't understand why she had run away, why she had loved her father so much at that moment. Surprised, she looked at the page again: photos of motorcycles, of him smoking, of the band, of him drinking with Zix, music festivals...

She kept scrolling down to posts that were almost five years old. The first was the high school graduation photo, with a smiling Jungkook holding a degree next to five other boys. Bora couldn't help but smile.

"I wish it was you the one who kissed me." She found herself whispering; then sighed, and, almost on impulse, finally put the phone aside.

Tired of everything, something suddenly disturbed her stomach. Her insides groaned and she pressed herself onto her knees, moaning beneath her. The pain was sharp and bitter. Bora cursed, thinking it was probably due to hunger or some other stupidity.

After a few minutes, the pain paled; She decided then that maybe it was best to sleep a little more, maybe then she would feel better by the time her father returned.

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"No, you don't understand, I need you to confirm if you will be able to bring the flowers, the event is in less than a week and I paid in advance!" Hyejung complained into the phone, having to get up from the computer and pour himself a glass of water to keep from losing his sanity. When she was about to drink the man on the other end of the line said something again, he considered her, stupid "No! I'm not asking for a refund! I just want her to fulfill her part!" She brought her index finger and thumb to press her nose, a habit she had since she was six years old.

Under these circumstances the door of the house opened, revealing a Namjoon almost covered in spring snow with three large paper bags. She wanted to shout hello, but her fiancée showed her the index finger, indicating that it was not the time. Namjoon understood and closed the door behind him with his foot.

"Listen, be reasonable, there is no other flower shop that can supply twelve hundred flowers for next week, what you are asking me for is crazy!" Hyejung put her glass next to her and rolled her eyes; Namjoon looked at her worried. "So? That's it?" The man on the other end of the line let out a scream and then the cut off the call was the only thing that was heard. Hyejung slammed the phone on the table and growled.

"What's going on?" Namjoon walked up behind her, hugging her.

"The flower shop canceled within a week; can you believe it?" She said, with reddish cheeks. "And he told me to hire another service... as if it were so easy at this hour... moron." Her fiance sighed, resting her chin on her hand.

"Are you sure about that?" Namjoon kissed her neck innocently. "Maybe there is someone suitable in Seoul."

"It took me months to find someone who supplied blue tulips, in a week it is impossible to find another."

Namjoon turned her around to look into her eyes.

"Hey, okay...I'll see if I can do something, okay? And if I can't then any flower is fine." Hyejung was going to complain, but she was silenced with a kiss. As always, it was enough to melt her and make her smile. She was caressed on the cheek tenderly and couldn't help but shiver as she felt the coldness of the engagement ring. "Just promise that you will relax at least these days, take advantage of the fact that these are the last ones you have left to be free from me."

Hyejung let out a laugh and wriggled out of her fiancé's grasp, returning to the dining table to close her computer. She was going to look at her bags to organize things but was surprised when Namjoon suddenly grabbed her hands and started dancing with her, making her laugh.

"What are you doing?" She asked between giggles.

"Looks like my dancing got better..." Namjoon responded without doing so, moving Hyejung with several stumbles, "it seems like I won't look so bad..." Hyejung laughed before gently pushing him away.

"Silly, stop playing and let's hurry up, we have to put everything away if you want me to bake."

Namjoon helped her carry the bags to the kitchen and together they began to arrange everything on her shelves.

"Has Bora come down?"

"No," Hyejung replied somewhat sadly, "I knocked early, but she told me she'd rather wait for you."

"She's probably still upset..."

"She's a girl, she's normal." Hyejung tried to defend her, but her fiancé clicked her tongue at her.

"No," Namjoon replied firmly, "she's too spiteful, that's not right... she despises you." Hyejung sighed; Her fiancé suddenly put her things down and started walking towards the stairs. "I'll go get her, I'm here, there's no reason for her to stay locked up." Hyejung caught up to him, stopping him on the second step.

"I'll go." There was no resistance, no kind smile met with a frown, before Hyejung disappeared to the second floor.

Namjoon was left alone downstairs, finishing arranging things. When he finished, he was suddenly met with silence. He directed her attention to the living room and ended up walking slowly to the couch; Letting himself fall he took a deep breath and looked at the particular picture, his favorite. He held it in his hands, taking advantage of the fact that it was on the coffee table, and smiled. It was Bora, about three or four years old, with him on a mountain, the one she liked the most. That trip had been for her to forget the bad memory of her mother when she was a baby.

Bora was smiling in the photo, in the arms of her mother who was also smiling. They were in a tent, and surely the one taking the photo was Yoongi. Namjoon smiled at the photo. In those years she was barely living with her grandparents, while he was interning in the first serious office of her life. The night before leaving he had barely slept, and when he arrived, he agreed to hold her and play with her despite being exhausted. When he had to return to the city the next day he slept fourteen hours straight.

"Namjoon!" Hyejung's scream made him put down the photo and stand up immediately. When he turned around, her fiancée was on the stairs, with an excited face and sweat in front of her. "Is Bora, she doesn't... she doesn't wake up."

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