2. Hopefully, we'll be complete

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Seventy four hours had gone by.

"When's Mommy coming back?"

The question would repeat over and over. When they were having breakfast and she still couldn't stop thinking about her mother even when Namjoon did his best to cook delicious food for her to focus on. When he walked her to school by the hand and gained curious glares from the mother's of the kindergarten, who, he felt, knew exactly what was going on. When she was back home, playing.

Maybe he was just being paranoid, but the thought that everyone knew what his wife was going to do except him made Namjoon crazy. Suddenly the entire world was against him, plotting how to make him suffer. Had he really been such a bad human?

"You're thinking bullshit, dude."

Namjoon needed advice, and after refusing to tell his brother (who he was sure would later tell their father and mother), he made up that the best person to give him one was his old college best friend: some guy named Yoongi that had dropped out to be in an emo band and had not had any stable girlfriend since he was like six.

"What did you tell Bora?"

"What could I? For all she knows her mother went to another city for work." Namjoon spoke rather cynically, but he couldn't help it. He took another drink of the wine inside a Little Mermaid's cup.

"And she believed it?"

"She's three." Namjoon reminded his best friend.

"Right..." Yoongi groaned on the other side of the phone "and you? How are you? Have you thought about what to do?"

"About what?"

"Getting your wife back." Yoongi said rather obviously, Namjoon stood up to continue doing the dishes while Bora was watching tv in his room, coloring while laying on the 'big bed' as she called it.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's not that simple. She got out for a reason, this has escalated. It was inevitable."

"Still you must do something, it is not only your wife but Bora's mother!" Namjoon stopped for a moment, decided to dry his hands and finish talking before adopting the maid mode.

"Shit has happened, Hyung. I really wish it was that simple but it's not."

"She doesn't love you anymore?" There was no answer for a while, but then Namjoon sighed.

"I don't know." He walked over to check on Bora, and upon opening the door he saw her sing along Ariel while moving her arms imitating the princess' moves. It made him smile. "But I know she loves Bora."

Yoongi didn't say anything, he didn't know what on earth one should say in a situation like this, aside from....

"Namjoon-ah, tell me what happened. She wouldn't just leave like that. That's not like her."

"You talk as if you knew her well enough to defend her." Namjoon scoffed, walking away from his rooms so the girl wouldn't hear him.

"She'll be back." Yoongi managed to assure, even when he wasn't sure.

Maybe she got bored of being a housewife, though she had begun to work a year ago. Or maybe she felt burnt out by the responsibility that Bora was. Or perhaps it was her own mind, urging for her to escape for a while. Yoongi thought about all options, but he concluded it was useless.

"It'll be four days tomorrow." Namjoon said, without any real intention.

"If you want, I could go with you to file her disappearance. Maybe something happened." Namjoon smirked at the comment.

"Don't worry. I'll manage."

"Namjoon-ah." Yoongi called him. "Please don't worry, think about what's the best for Bora."

Namjoon heard a noise and ran to his room. But there, Bora was just sleeping on the bed, with the movie's volume going up because she had placed her head over the remote. Namjoon smiled at her heavy sleep, walked closer to take the control and turned off the TV and then caressed his daughter's face.

"That's what I always do, Hyung." He hung up after that.

Carefully, he then tried to wake his daughter with a smile, calling her in whispers. When she woke up, her small eyes were fluffy.

"Dad." She said. "Has mom arrived?" Namjoon's face dropped, but he managed to control it.

"She will, just a little more time. Are you sleepy?" He changed the subject, Bora nodded. "Then let's sleep." His daughter seemed blue all of the sudden, looking at nowhere. Namjoon knew her, he understood she was thinking about her mom, having questions. He couldn't afford for her to suffer, so he did what he thought was best. "Or, would you like to sleep in the big bed tonight?"

"Yes, dad!" Bora immediately said, erasing all of their thoughts from her mind in a heartbeat. "And you'll hug me until I fall asleep?"

Namjoon's heart melted. He got closer and kissed his daughter on the forehead.

"Of course, princess."

Bora jumped into her father's arms, hugging him dearly. Namjoon did the same, softly and carefully.

Father - NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now