A Little History

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There is darkness in this world that is beyond anyone's comprehension. As a granddaughter of an exorcist, this is a truth that Hinata learned from a young age. Of course, her own parents never believed in such a things. But when she was younger, Hinata was possessed. She couldn't recall a thing from that time. Her grandfather, Hiroshi, told her that she had ran from home and was making her way north with nothing but the clothes on her back.

But her parents would be mad at him and warned him against sharing with her those frightening weeks. They insisted that she was kidnapped, even though none of the police working on her case could track her. Grandpa Hiroshi was the only one to find her track. He kept trying to tell her the things he learned when confronting the demon that possessed her, but her father Hiashi will get mad. The last time he brought the matter up, Hiashi decided to cut off all connection with him.

But Grandpa Hiroshi managed to tell her something as he was being dragged out of the house; that demon will find her again.

Hiashi was furious that he will frighten Hinata with his delusion.

Hinata knew that Hiashi and Grandpa Hiroshi has a strained relationship. She don't really know the reason why but only that Grandpa Hiroshi was never a present father in Hiashi's life. Then one day he reappeared in their life. A few weeks after, Hinata disappeared and was found by him somewhere north.

Perhaps Hinata would have believed her father had she not discovered something on her body that wasn't there after her puberty kicked in.

A strange symbol over her womb.

It started out like a bruise. It grew darker over the year as she grew older and her body began changing. Unlike other girls her age, her body mature faster than theirs. It made her a prime target for perverts. Bad rumors began circulating as the other girls grew jealous of the attention that Hinata gained from the other boys. Some older men began targeting her at an age as early as 10. After a teacher was caught trying to molest her when she was 12, her cousin Neji started hanging around her and following her everywhere, even waited for her outside her class whenever it ended.

Bad rumors circulated about her relationship with him.

Rumors that isolated her from the rest of her peers.

Through it all, the bruise grew darker and the edges more refined. Before long, an intricate design that looked just like a tattoo appeared over where her womb would be. She had looked it up and it really appears to be a 'womb tattoo'. The longer she stares at it, the more vulgar it appears.

As she age, the symbol grew more refined.

Hinata hates it.

Because of her experience in the town she lives as well as her two schools, Hinata decided to study at a different school in a different town. She has been filling application forms for many schools that has a good reputation situated away from the town she grew up in. She tried to go to an all girl school to avoid the trouble with perverts and boys because Neji won't be there with her. She had even skipped grades to stick with her cousin out of fear of being left alone but she can't bother him forever.

Hinata wants to start anew.

But the school that answered her request and invites her is not the school she requested entry to. All the other school with dorms did not reply, not even to reject her. Which was odd. However, school year is starting soon and she has decided to go to this Academy Hidden in the Leaf; Konohagakure no Gakuen.

Such a strange name for a school.

She already received their uniform. She has to admit that they're rather cute but a little strange for a school uniform. Too stylized.

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