Ch.14 Howling Trio

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Aleu's P.O.V

It's been two months since I became a power ranger the others have been a huge help; I've learned so much from them they've taught me a few tricks they will definitely help in battle. I've gotten closer to the rangers; I finally feel like I finally belong here with them. I look at the others giving them a warm smile.

" This is amazing you guys, thank you for everything."

Alyssa gives me a warm smile.

" Any time we're more than happy to help you out."

" You've taught me so much I truly appreciate all of the advice."

Danny gives me a smile.

" You're a ranger now, we look after each other."

Max nods in agreement.

" Yeah, we're a family."

I begin to tear up hearing what the others say even after everything I've done; they welcomed me into their team with open arms. I look down at the ground as tears run down my face Cole puts a hand on my shoulder looking at me worried.

" Aleu, what's wrong?"

" It's just after everything I've done you guys welcomed me into the team with open arms and taught me so much. I wasn't expecting to become a ranger that day when Zen-Aku attacked I couldn't stand by and watch him destroy you guys I had to do something."

Cole looks at me with a soft look upon his face.

" With that bravery and courage standing up against Zen-Aku that's what made you a ranger that day, Animus saw that in you he knows you have a good heart Aleu he knows you're worthy to be a ranger."

Morgan nods in agreement. 

" You've come along ways Aleu, you should be proud of yourself and look at you, you're a Wild Force Power Ranger now, you're one of us."

Cole nods in agreement.

" We're rangers until the end."

I look at the others giving them a small smile Shayla comes up to me putting her hands on my shoulders giving me a warm smile.

" We're all glad you're her with us Aleu, you've become a great addition to the team you should be proud of yourself."

" Thanks Shayla."

Max looks at the others then back to me.

" The Orgs won't know what's going to hit them now, wait until the Cunning Jackal shows them who she is."

Just then the pond erupted Shayla and Taylor hurry over and look into the pond, an Org is destroying the plaza. Taylor looks back at the others.

" The Org in the plaza lets go."

The others head out of the Animarium, Morgan looks back at me.

" You ready?"

" As I'll ever be."

" Come on let's show this Org who the Cunning Jackal is."

I give Morgan a small nod we hurry out joining the others the Org laughs as he watches people run away screaming in terror. 

" That's right run puny humans run you don't stand a chance against me!"

Just then Cole calls out to the Org. 

" They might not have a chance, but we do."

" Who said that?"

The Org turns seeing the rangers standing in front of him.

" The Power Rangers!?"

Cole points at the Org.

" That's right your end is here Org, ready guys?"

" Ready."

" Wild Access!"

" Blazing Lion."

" Soaring Eagle."

" Surging Shark."

" Iron Bison."

" Noble Tiger."

" Fierce Coyote."

" Howling Wolf."

" Cunning Jackal."

The Org stares me down he puts his hand on his chin.

" Oh, a new ranger taking you down should be very easy."

" Don't underestimate me Org you have no idea what I'm capable of."

" I'll see that for myself, putrids attack!"

An army of Putrids charges at the rangers, the Org then charges at the rangers swinging his sword striking the rangers down, but they quickly recover. Morgan looks over at the others while holding off a putrid.

" You guys worry about the Org we'll fight off the putrids."

The others nod as they focus on fighting the Org. Taylor and Alyssa ready their weapons. 

" Golden eagle sword."

" White tiger baton."

Taylor and Alyssa jump up swinging their weapons, the Org easily catches them he then flings the girls across the yard the rangers quickly hurry over to them, the Org laughs at their attempt. 

" Is that all you got? If so, this is pathetic rangers I'd thought you'd put up more of a fight."

Max balls his fists in anger.

" We'll show you what we're made of."

Cole nods in agreement.

" Let's get him guys."

Cole, Max and Danny charge at the Org, they swing their weapons managing to strike the Org causing him to stumble backwards, he lets out a chuckle.

" You call that a fight? I'll show you what a fight should look like."

The Org charges at the guys and easily knocks them down, the guys struggle to get back up. Cole hits the ground frustrated.

" We have to get up, we can't let this Org beat us."

Danny looks over at Cole.

" He's really strong, he's beating us like we're nothing."

Max puts a hand on Danny's shoulder.

" Never give up Danny."

" You're right Max never give up."

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