Ch.6 Remember

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Aleu's P.O.V 

I sit by the riverside looking out, I let out a small sigh looking down at my reflection just then I see Zuleika's face appear causing me to jump back I slowly lean over, looking down at my reflection once more.

" So, this is what you look like, your Duke Org form let's hope the rangers never see it."

" In time they will once I fully heal, I will no longer need you."

" You can't get rid of me that easily. So, tell me who was Zen-Aku?"

" He was my partner, we were unstoppable together, the ancient warriors didn't stand a chance against us but when they managed to separate us that lead to our downfall. Animus cursed me to be a wondering soul until someone found my mask, I thought all hope was lost until you came along and put it on releasing me. Now you serve as my vessel."

"Merrick said he was cursed as Zen-Aku after his battle with Master Org, is that why I feel connected to him somehow?"

" Zen-Aku and I were a team, we had a strong bond, even though we were both lone wolves we found it better to work together to get the task done."

" Well, what do you know, he finds the mask of Zen-Aku, and I found you and now here we are only one's free from his curse." 

" If it wasn't for Animus, we would still be together."

Just then I have flashbacks of when Zen-Aku and Zuleika were together fighting side by side, taking down some ancient warriors, then I see Animus fighting alongside another ancient warrior taking down Zuleika, Animus picks up her mask then places his hand over the mask using his powers to make her soul wonder the Earth. Years go by her wolf masks sits in the cave collecting dust until I appear picking up the mask and putting it on.

" If I would have known that was your wolf mask, I would have never put it on."

" If you didn't you wouldn't even be here, and I'm surprised that you of all people haven't heard the stories of Zen-Aku and I especially being Animus' great granddaughter."

" My stepfather wouldn't allow me to even talk about Animus, the only thing he called him was a fool, any stories about Animus were banned from the castle."

" Your stepfather was right; Animus was a fool. He should have known better than to separate us he knew Zen-Aku would seek him out and get his revenge for me."

" He wasn't a fool he was a hero to all."

Just then I hear footsteps coming up from behind me I turn seeing the rangers coming my way I get up walking over to them.

" Hey guys, what are you doing out here?"

Danny looks at me giving me a faint smile.

" We were worried about you after you took off." 

" Oh, right sorry about that I didn't mean to frighten you guys."

Cole looks at me concerned.

" Are you sure you're alright?"

" Yeah, I'm fine."

Alyssa looks at me in awe.

" I can't believe it, you're the lost Princess of Animaria."

" It appears so."

Max looks at me confused.

" Why haven't we heard stories about you like we did with Princess Shayla?"

" Well when your stepfather doesn't like what you do with your life, not wanting to be a proper Princess he'll take matters into his own hands, he dethroned me for wanting to become an ancient warrior he tried to make me give up on becoming one, but I didn't give up."

Cole puts a hand on my shoulder.

" Do you remember anything else?"

I look at Cole then shake my head.

" Everything is a blur; I don't even remember how I got here."

Danny looks at me knitting his brows together.

" How are you alive after 3,000 years?"

" Like I said everything is a blur, I wish I had the answers you were looking for."

Morgan looks at me concerned.

" Do you remember encountering any Orgs?"

" I think I do remember one when I was in the forest, I was trying to head home when I encountered the Org but after that everything went black and next thing, I know I'm waking up to all this."

Alyssa puts a hand on my shoulder giving me a warm smile.

" Well, we're glad you're here Aleu, I know we're going to be great friends."

" Thanks Alyssa, and where's Taylor at?"

Max looks at me.

" She doesn't trust you; she thinks there's something wrong with you."

Morgan and Alyssa pinch Max on the arm he gives them both a look.

" Ow, what was that for."

" You guys mentioned a Duke Org Zen-Aku what exactly happened?"

Morgan looks at me giving me a smirk.

" Merrick's the one you should talk to about Zen-Aku, after all he was trapped in his body for over 3,000 years."

" 3,000 years poor guy, that doesn't sound like fun."

Just then Cole's growl phone goes off he answers he turns looking at the others.

" Org attack downtown let's go."

Danny stops in his tracks calling out to the others.

" Guys, wait!"

Alyssa looks at Danny worried.

" What is it, Danny?"

" What about Aleu?"

" Don't worry about me I'll be alright."

I watch as the rangers disappear over the hill, I turn back around just then my head feels faint I put my hands up to my head then fall to my knees I then fall into a deep sleep. 

The rangers head to battle as the Org is creating havoc, people were running for their lives dodging lightning blasts as the Org fires at them.

" Run you pathetic humans run! HAHAHA!"

" Stop right there Org."

" Oh, power rangers what a surprise."

Cole points at the Org.

" You're not going to get away with this, ready guys?"

" Ready."

" Wild Access!"

" Blazing Lion."

" Soaring Eagle."

" Surging Shark."

" Iron Bison."

" Noble Tiger."

" Howling Wolf."

" Guardians of the Earth united we roar! Power Rangers."

" Wild Force."

" Putrids attack."

A group of Putrids charge at the rangers, weapons ready the rangers charge taking the Putrids down. The Org lets out a frustrated growl he holds out his hand shooting lightning at the rangers hitting them causing them to fall to the ground. 

" Golden eagle sword."

Taylor jumps up swinging her sword hitting the Org, Max and Alyssa jump up swinging their weapons hitting the Org as well. 

" It'll take more than that to defeat me rangers."

" Let's combine our weapons guys."

" Right."

" Jungle sword savage slash."

Cole winds up the Jungle sword then quickly brings it down striking the Org he falls down defeated Toxica lets out a frustrated huff.

" Evil spirits of toil and strife, give this fallen Org new life yah!"

Beans fly out of her staff landing on the Org causing him to grow.

" Wild zords descend."

The wild zords make their way down from the Animarium 

" Wild zords combine."

The wild zords combine into the wild force megazord.

" Soul bird."

The rangers jump up onto the soul bird as it enters the megazord. The megazord is ready for battle. The Org doesn't hesitate to attack the megazord he charges swinging his axe striking the megazord over and over causing the megazord to stumble back. 

" Shark surge."

" Tiger fury."

The shark and tiger throw punches at the Org, he just laughs at the attempt.

" Is that the best you've got rangers if so that's pathetic."

Max looks over at Cole.

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