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Before anger, hatred, pollution, everyone got along in peace and harmony. Over the years the Kingdom of Animaria arose everyone who lived there thrived. Animus, the King of Animaria loved his people and would do anything for them, he took a group of young men making them the ancient warriors they dedicated their lives to protect the people of Animaria.

Animus P.O.V

I look down upon the Kingdom of Animaria children laughing and playing, lively music fills the air, but I know something evil is stirring up out in the forest. I head to the ancient warrior's temple I look upon the group of young me I chose to help defend Animaria.

" My brothers our duty is to protect the people of Animaria, I know evil will arise one day and we cannot let them destroy the kingdom."

Atticus, my second in command looks up at me letting out a scoff.

" Evil? Animus what are you talking about?"

" I feel an evil presence arising in the forest, I'm not sure what it is but we have to prepare ourselves for battle when the time comes."

Orion looks at me worried.

" Shouldn't we tell the towns people?"

I shake my head. 

" I don't think that's a good idea, I don't want to see them living in fear that is not what I want for my people."

Andreas looks over at the other ancient warriors then takes a step towards me.

" With all due respect my Lord, but I think they deserve to know what's out there to prepare themselves. Keeping this to ourselves isn't right they deserve to know what we're up against."

I walk over to Andreas putting my hand on his shoulders giving him a small smile.

" You grow wiser everyday Andreas, you're not afraid to speak up for others or yourself, go gather the towns people."

" Sir?"

" You're right Andreas they do deserve to know what's out there, if anything they should be prepared."

" I'll gather them at once my Lord."

" Cato, Cyrus go with Andreas."

Cato, Cyrus, and Andreas bow then leave the ancient warriors temple to gather the towns people Atticus walks up to Animus.

" What are we up against Animus?"

" Walk with me."

Animus and Atticus walk along the trail Animus looks down at the ground Atticus looks at him concerned.

" What is it?"

" For many nights now I've been having the same dream I'm standing at the edge of forest as I look upon the forest darkness fills the air, just then I'm then surrounded by some strange goo and out of that goo arises an evil army they begin to attack the Kingdom of Animaria. Whatever is out there is pure evil."

" We dedicated our lives to the kingdom we won't let anything happen to it or the towns people, and as our king I know you're doing the right thing, you're also dedicating your life to protect them too."

" Animus the towns people are waiting."

" Thank you Cyrus I'll be right there."

I head to the castle the towns people talk amongst themselves worried about what's going on I make my way to the front everyone quiets down.

" My people, I have grave news."

Murmurs break out throughout the towns people I hold up my hand silencing them.

" I shall tell you want I told Atticus, for many nights now I've been having the same dream I'm standing at the edge of forest as I look upon the forest darkness fills the air, just then I'm then surrounded by some strange goo and out of that goo arises an evil army they begin to attack the Kingdom of Animaria. Whatever is out there is pure evil."

A towns woman steps forward looking at Animus scared.

" What's going to happen to us my Lord?"

" The ancient warriors and I will make sure nothing happens to you we dedicated our lives to protect you from what's out there."

Another towns person steps forward.

" What if they attack when we don't expect it? What if they win?"

Orion looks at the towns people.

" We won't let that happen, whatever is out there we won't let them win we will destroy the evil once and for all. Like Animus said we dedicated our lives for you, we will fight for you, we will die for you, and we will stop this evil."

Animus looks out at the towns people.

" I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but this is for your safety I want you to go on with your lives but do not fear we will protect you. You may go back to your duties thank you all."

The towns people leave they are shaken up by the news the ancient warriors watch as they go back to their daily lives, back at the ancient warrior's temple Animus stares out the window looking at the forest the others look at each other concerned Orion goes over standing by his side.

" I'm going to go investigate."

" We'll come with you."

" No, I have to do this myself stay here."

" Animus at least let one of us go with you."

" Cato, come with me."

" Yes, my Lord."

" Atticus you're in charge until I get back."

Animus and Cato head to the forest they stop when they reach the entrance. Cato looks over at Animus.

" You sure you want to do this?"

" I'm sure, let's go."

Cato and I enter the forest we look at our surroundings nothing seems off we head deeper into the forest the wind changes I stop and look around. 

" Hmm, it seems like everything is fine."

" You must have had a nightmare I don't see anything wrong."

" Wait."

I hold up my hand and scan the area I push Cato out of the way just as a blast hits where he was standing, we both look up we see a figure standing there. Cato hurries to my side.

" What are those?"

" I don't know but we have to stop them."

" Putrids attack!"

Animus and Cato unsheathe their crystal sabers and begin to fight off the Putrids they go down easily.

" Cato we have to leave now."

Animus and Cato make a dash for the entrance when they go through Animus holds up his hand using his magic he seals the entrance.

" That should hold them for a while."

Animus and Cato go back to the ancient warrior's temple they were greeted by the others Andreas looks at them worried.

" What happened?"

" We were attacked, but they went down easily."

" Are you hurt?"

" No, we're alright, I managed to seal the entrance to the forest."

Cyrus shakes his head.

" Won't they be able to break out?"

" Yes, but they won't be able to break out for a while."

Master Org stands at the entrance of the forest he looks at the seal narrowing his eyes.

" So, the ancient warriors declared war now, if it's a war they want it's a war they shall get."

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