Ch.7 Getting to Know You

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Aleu's P.O.V

I wake up underneath the weeping willow tree I look around letting out a sigh, thanks to Animus I remember everything, I get up heading to the river I kneel down splashing water on my face.

" Are you going to see Merrick today?"

" Why do you want to know?"

" I know you want to get to know him Aleu."

" I won't let you hurt him."

" Oh, I'm not going to hurt him you are."

" What are you talking about?"

Zuleika goes silent I scoff and shake my head I don't want to hurt any of the rangers, or Shayla I know how close they are it must be nice to have friends. I shouldn't get too close to Merrick with whatever Zuleika is planning, I fear the worst, but I feel like we were somehow meant to be or was it because we're both cursed? I shake my head and head into the city and look around so much has changed it makes my heart ache seeing everything, I was so lost in thought I didn't hear footsteps approach me.

" Hey stranger."

I jump hearing the voice I quickly turn letting out a sigh of relief Merrick holds back laughter seeing my expression.

" Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

" No, it's fine I was just lost in thought."

" What were you thinking about if you don't mind me asking."

" It's just, all this is."

I look around looking at the buildings and everything else Merrick slowly nods understanding what I meant.

" It's a lot to take in."

" What are you doing out here I thought you'd be with the others."

" Don't get me wrong they're my friends but after the whole Zen-Aku incident I just find it tough to be around them."

" It wasn't your fault Merrick."

" I was so focused on defeating Master Org, I wasn't thinking straight we had little time before more destruction happened, I knew the risks of putting on the mask and the power, I felt like I was on top of the world like I could do anything. After Master Org was defeated well you know the rest I become Zen-Aku and 3,000 years later here I am."

" It sounds like to me, you're a hero you saved thousands of lives that day by your ultimate sacrifice."

" I'm a man out of time Aleu, I should be with the other ancient warriors."

" You're not the only one who's out of time remember."

Merrick looks at me confused.

" How did you survive all those years?"

I look at him shaking my head.

" I'm not sure."

" Would you like to join me on a walk?"

" Love to."

Merrick and I walk down the street and begin to talk about small stuff, getting to know each other, we laugh amongst ourselves. I felt like I've known Merrick my whole life, he's a great guy, I could talk to him for hours and never get tired of him. We find a shady spot underneath a tree I look over at Merrick.

" What was it like being an ancient warrior?"

" It was fantastic, everything a guy could ever dream of, helping protect those in need." 

" What made you become an ancient warrior?"

" Well ever since I was a young, I saw myself as an ancient warrior I didn't like standing around watching people get hurt, I know I had to do something to help and when I was old enough, I went to the ancient warrior temple, and I proved myself worthy of being an ancient warrior."

" Correct me if I'm wrong but did I see a girl get into the ancient warriors?"

" That would be my sister, Morgan."

" Morgan's your sister?"

" Yeah, and when she heard I became an ancient warrior she wanted to follow in my footsteps, she would train for hours determined to become on and when the time was right, she also proved herself and became the first female ancient warrior."

" Good for her, she deserved it."

" I don't think King Derek was thrilled about it."

" He saw females as weak human beings who can't do anything, leave all the heavy lifting to the men, he hated the idea of me becoming an ancient warrior, but I wouldn't let him stop me from my dream."

" I wish you could have trained with us; it would have been an honor training alongside the Princess of Animaria."

" Derek said I would have been a distraction to you and the others so that's why he got me a personal trainer, Griffin would push me to my limit he tried to make me quit and give up, but I told myself not to give up, keep going."

" You don't seem to be the type of girl to give up easily."

" I'm not."

Merrick looks at me his blue eyes gaze into mine I feel a blush creeping upon my cheeks.

" What?"

" It feels like I've known you my whole life, I mean sure we're what 3,000 years old, we barley interacted when the Kingdom of Animaria was standing, but it feels like I've known you forever."

I let out a small laugh then give Merrick a small smile.

" I know exactly what you mean."

Merrick and I continue to talk, meanwhile back on the Animarium Taylor looks around the interior the others look at her with their brows raised wondering what she's doing. Morgan sighs putting her book down.

" What are you doing?"

" I'm looking for Merrick, he said he would come by and help me with something."

" I bet he's busy at the roadhouse, besides have you tried calling him?"

" Yeah, I called him six times, no answer."

Danny looks over at Taylor shrugging his shoulders.

" Maybe he's busy elsewhere."

" Where else would he be?"

The rangers look at each other knowing exactly where Merrick was, Taylor looks at them with a deadpan look upon her face.

" Of course, he's with her isn't he."

Max shakes his head.

" We don't know that for sure, he could be anywhere."

Just then the pond erupts the rangers hurry over, looking down at the pond the rangers see the Org downtown, Cole looks at the others.

" Let's go guys."

The rangers hurry out of the Animarium, Morgan calls Merrick but no answer.

" Come on Merrick please answer."

She tries again but still no answer.

" Guys, I can't get a hold of Merrick."

Cole looks over at her.

" Looks like we're going have to fight without him."

Taylor shakes her head annoyed.

" When I see him, I'm going to have a serious talk with him."

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