Ch.12 Big Bad Wolf

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Aleu's P.O.V

Zen-Aku continues his song as he walks towards me, I stand there frozen with fear, I thought the rangers took care of him how is he here? As he walked towards me, I could feel his eyes upon me he stops a few feet away and finishes his song he looks at me his yellow eyes bore into mine he points at me.

" Where is she?"

I shake my head and shrug my shoulders playing coy. 

" Who?"

" You know who."

" If you're looking for Zuleika she's gone."

" That can't be, I know she possesses you."

" She did but I'm free from my curse."

" Impossible, what did you do?"

" I did what I had to do and with the help from Master Org she's history."

Zen-Aku lets out a growl he points his blade at me.

" You're going to regret that."

"Oh, I'm sure I am."

" Crescent blade, crescent wave."

Zen-Aku waves his blade sending powerful energy beams they hit behind me causing me to fly forwards, I hit the ground hard, I slowly get up but before I can react Zen-Aku runs towards me with a switch kick he sends me flying back I hold my side trying to fight the pain. 

" You're weaker than what I expected."

" Give me a weapon and I won't be."

Zen-Aku chuckles he bends down grabbing me by the throat lifting me off the ground he lets out a small growl.

" You're going to be perfect bait for the rangers."

" I want nothing to do with them."

" Don't be so sure, I know a certain ranger has his eye on you."

" He doesn't like me, I used him, he wants nothing to do with me."

" Don't lie to yourself Aleu, you love him."

Back on the Animarium the rangers sit around waiting for something to happen Princess Shayla looks at them worried.

" What's going on you guys?"

Cole looks up at Princess Shayla letting out a sigh.

" It's just there hasn't been an Org attack lately which is odd we're just waiting for something to happen."

Princess Shayla lets out a small sigh and nods slowly she looks at the rangers with soft eyes.

" How's Merrick doing?"

Morgan looks over at Princess Shayla.

" He'll be alright he just needs some-"

A gust of wind blows through Morgan looks over her shoulder her eyes widen with horror, the others look at her as she shakes her head.

" It can't be."

Alyssa looks at Morgan concerned.

" What is it?"

" He's back."

Danny looks at Morgan confused.

" Who's back."

Just then the pond erupts, Morgan looks in the pond she lets out a gasp then runs out of the Animarium she quickly opens her growl phone calling Merrick. Back at Willie's roadhouse Merrick shoots some pool his lunar caller goes off he lets out a sigh setting his cue down, he opens his growl phone.

" Hello?"

" Merrick, get to the forest now he's back."

" Whoa slow down Morgan who's back."

" Zen-Aku he has Aleu."

Merrick's blood freezes hearing Zen-Aku's name he quickly runs out of Willie's roadhouse, the rangers hurry down the path looking around Morgan puts her hands around her mouth.

" Aleu where are you?"

The others catch up to Morgan they look around not seeing anything Taylor looks over at Morgan.

" You sure it was Zen-Aku."

" I know what I saw in the pond, it was him."

" Guys."

" Merrick."

" Morgan, please tell me this isn't happening."

" I wish I was, but I saw him in the pond, he has Aleu."

" If he does anything to her, I won't forgive myself, we have to find him."

" And we will but we won't find her by standing her lets go."

The rangers begin to search for Zen-Aku they look everywhere but no luck Merrick begins to panic.

" Where is he?"

Cole puts a hand on Merrick's shoulder.

" Don't worry we'll find him."

Morgan points to the hillside.

" Guys, there."

 The rangers hurry over to the hillside Zen-Aku has his crescent blade under Aleu's throat. The rangers stop when they see Zen-Aku he lets out a growl.

" Hello rangers did you miss me?"

Cole balls his fists in anger.

" Let her go Zen-Aku."

" Now why would I do that, Aleu here has been keeping me great company."

Merrick glares daggers at Zen-Aku he takes a step forward.

" She's no longer possessed by Zuleika, let her go now."

" I'm afraid I can't do that."

" If you're looking for Zuleika, go the Org spirit world you can find her there."

" Since you destroyed the one, I love I shall return the favor."

I struggle against Zen-Aku's grip his crescent blade rests across my throat. I can see the panic in the ranger's eyes. One last time I try to tell Zen-Aku that I'm the one who destroyed Zuleika not them.

" For the last time, they're not the ones who destroyed her I am. Leave them out of this. I tricked Master Org to stab me which ended Zuleika." 

" I want to see them suffer, a loved one for a loved one."

Merrick fed up with Zen-Aku pulls out his lunar caller. 

" Wild access! Lunar cue."

Zen-Aku holds the crescent blade closer causing me to flinch this causes Merrick to stop in his tracks.

" If you take one more step, I will destroy her."

" I won't let that happen."

" Don't do this Merrick, save yourself."

" I won't lose you again Aleu, let her go it's me you want Zen-Aku."

" I want to see you suffer Merrick, I lost the one I love and now you will lose the one you love."

" I already lost her once it's not going to happen again."

Merrick runs towards Zen-Aku, as he raises his crescent blade to strike me down, Merrick quickly switches to sniper mode firing hitting Zen-Aku's hand causing him to drop his crescent blade, but he keeps a tight hold on me. 

" It'll take more than that to stop me."

" I won't let you take her from me."

" You're willing to risk the life of the person you love? I have the upper hand here Merrick."

" You won't for long."

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