Ch.8 The Plan

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Aleu's P.O.V

It was a beautiful morning I sit by the riverside a soft breeze rolls though all night I've had Merrick on my mind I wonder what he's planning for us today. I hear footsteps coming up beside me I turn and smile seeing Merrick approaching.

" Good morning, Merrick."

" Good morning, Aleu how'd you sleep."

" I couldn't sleep, I've been thinking about what you're planning for us all night."

" Trust me you're going to love it."

" Lead the way."

Merrick holds out his arm, we link arms and walk down the riverside I glance up at him I could tell something was on his mind.

" What is it?"

" What do you mean?"

" You look like somethings bugging you."

" Oh, it's just a teammate it's nothing really."

" Well, nothing looks like something to me, you can tell me?" 

" It's Taylor, she doesn't trust you, she thinks there's something not right with you, she says your distracting me from the fight with the Orgs."

" Oh, if I am we could do this another time."

" No, I want to spend time with you, what Taylor says about you is wrong and I want to prove her wrong."

If only you knew Merrick.

" Does the rest of your friends not like me?"

" No, they like you they wish you'd come by more often."

" Does Shayla say much about me?"

" Once in a while yes, she wishes to catch up with her sister."

" Half-sister."

Merrick stops in his tracks he turns looking at me with a smirk upon his face.

" Close your eyes."

" Why."

" Do you trust me?"

" Yes, of course I do."

I close my eyes; Merrick takes my hands leading me forward he then comes to a stop.

" Alright, open your eyes."

 I open my eyes to a beautiful flower garden my jaw drops, and I let out a gasp so many beautiful colors I turn looking at Merrick he has a small smile upon his lips.

" Do you like it?"

" I love it, it's so beautiful."

" This way."

Merrick leads me further into the flower garden where a picnic blanket is spread out my heart is leaping with joy; we both take a seat I look at him giving him a smile.

" Well, count me impressed."

" I'm glad you like this; well, to be honest I have the others to thank for this."

" How nice of them."

" You know even though she's one of my teammates I don't care what Taylor thinks or says about you, you're an amazing person Aleu, and I know it's been a few weeks, but I enjoy being with you."

" I enjoy being with you as well Merrick, I actually feel like I belong somewhere, to be honest with you when I first woke up, I didn't think I would find anyone who would actually care about me I'd thought I'd be alone in this world wondering where I belong and when I met you I just knew that I felt like I was at home."

" I'm glad I've met you Aleu, I feel like I can be myself for once, that I can actually be happy."

Merrick grabs my hands a small smile appears on my lips his blue eyes gazed into mine, I then look away feeling the guilt deep down. How badly I wanted to tell him everything I get up letting out a small sigh standing up, I can feel Merrick's eyes on me as I take a few steps away from blanket.

" What's wrong Aleu?"

" I wish I could tell you but-"

" What is it?"

" We all wear masks don't we, hiding who we are pretending to be someone we're not, but in times wearing a mask is a good thing it helps protect us from revealing who we are, but other times they get us into trouble, and we don't know what to do or where to go after we put on a bad mask it feels like we're trapped in a different body with no escape you try to find help but people push you away afraid of what they see or they don't want to help you at all. They find it difficult to accept who you are and when they finally see you for who you are they either accept you or turn away leaving you all alone, wondering where did I go wrong? Why did I do this?"

Tears brim my eyes I look down at the ground letting out a shaky sigh I hear Merrick come up behind me he places a hand on my shoulder giving them a small squeeze.

" Aleu, are you troubled by you past?"

" I guess in a way I am."

Merrick then turns me around he places his hand under my chin titling it up making me look at him. 

" Forget about your past, that's all history what lies ahead is what's important. If you keep thinking about all the negative things that happened to you, you're going to be stuck in the same place not getting any answers or getting anywhere, your future is what matters not the past, we all make mistakes, but we learn from them, and with friends anything is possible and they will never turn their backs on you, they'll be a shoulder to lean on though the tough times."

A tear falls down my cheek Merrick wipes away the tear with his thumb he then pulls me into a hug and gently rubs my back. 

" Everything is going to be alright, Aleu you'll see."

" How can you be so sure?"

" I just know and how about I play you a song maybe that will cheer you up?"

I nod my head Merrick leads me back to the blanket I take a seat he pulls out his flute I raise a brow.

" I didn't know you played the flute."

" Yeah, I learned how to play it for the deer zord, we play a special song for him."

" We?"

" Princess Shayla sings to him."

" Go on, I want to hear the song."

Merrick begins to play The Song of Animaria meanwhile back on the Animarium the rangers expect Taylor are sitting around the table looking at one another. Cole glances over to Morgan.

" How do you think it's going?"

" I hope everything worked out."

Danny looks over his shoulder nervously.

" What if Taylor finds out, she's not going to be happy."

Max puts a hand on Danny's shoulder.

" Hey, we'll figure something out right."

Danny nods.

" Yeah, we always do."

Morgan glances at the pond worried.

" There still hasn't been an Org attack who knows what Master Org is planning."

Alyssa looks over at Morgan.

" You know now that you mention it, there hasn't been an Org attack these past few days."

Cole looks at everyone confused.

" What's going on, this isn't normal, right?"

Everyone shakes their head not knowing how to answer, just then Taylor comes jogging in the others pretend to be busy with something Taylor looks at them confused.

" Hey guys what's going on?"

Max looks up from his book giving Taylor a small wave.

" Oh, hey Tay we're just reading."

Taylor raises her brows not convinced.

" I can see that."

Taylor looks around at the others knowing somethings going on she crosses her arms clearing her throat making the others look up.

" Alright what's going on you guys?"

Morgan shakes her head.

" Nothing's going on we're just enjoying our time together."

" Uh huh."

Cole looks at Taylor.

" What's wrong with spending time with friends?"

" Nothing's wrong with that it just feels like you're all hiding something from me."

Max shakes his head.

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