Ch. 9 Betrayal

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Aleu's P.O.V

As of right now I'm being held prisoner in the Nexus I watch as Master Org paces he has an evil grin upon his face I can tell he's unfolding his plan to take Merrick's animal crystals. I tug at the vines but no luck I let out a huff and shake my head.

" I should have told Merrick what you were planning."

" It wouldn't have worked; Zuleika would have stopped you."

" You're not going to win the rangers will defeat you."

" If they don't have their animal crystals, they won't be able to stop me."

" You won't get away with this."

" I already am once I get his animal crystals with your help, he will never look at you the same ever again."

Master Org laughs as he leaves the room, I hang my head in defeat Merrick will never forgive me, just when I gained his trust. My heart shatters into pieces I never wanted this to happen when he finds out the truth, he's going to be heartbroken. 

Jindrax and Toxica watch nearby as Master Org leaves the room, Jindrax scratches his head.

" I don't get it, I thought Aleu was on our side, why is she tied up?"

" Apparently Master Org has a plan to use her against the Lunar Wolf ranger."

" Oh, smart move."

" We'll just have to wait and see what he does, I hear it's going to be great."

" I'll get the popcorn."

Jindrax and Toxica leave the room laughing to themselves, just then Nayzor walks into the room I glance up at him, he lets out a chuckle.

" This couldn't be planned any better, using you as bait is perfect now, he'll definitely hand over his animal crystals to us."

" If he doesn't what are you going to do?"

" Oh, he'll hand them over I know he will."

Nayzor lets out another chuckle, meanwhile Merrick walks through the forest he takes a deep breath and sighs he can't stop thinking about Aleu, she made him feel like he can be himself. Back on the Animarium the rangers sit around the table looking at one another. Alyssa fiddles with her hands then looks up at the others.

" Guys I'm worried about Merrick."

Danny looks over at Alyssa confused.

" What do you mean."

" It just feels like he's been distant with us, we haven't seen him for a while now."

Max looks over at Alyssa and Danny.

" Relax guys Merrick can handle himself, no need to worry about him."

" Speaking of Merrick, hey Taylor I thought Merrick followed you back here."

Taylor looks behind her she looks around then shakes her head.

" That little- he must have snuck off when I wasn't looking."

The others get up from the table Cole looks at Taylor.

" We'll split up and look for him."

The rangers nod in agreement, they split up to go look for Merrick. 

Merrick stands on a hillside looking out the moon shines down giving the scene a soft glow an evil chuckle comes from behind him Merrick scans the area he lets out a gasp turning around seeing Master Org and Nayzor he gets into a fight stance.

" What are you doing here?"

" You know why we're here."

Merrick shakes his head. 

" I won't give up my animal crystals that easily."

Master Org looks at him giving him a smug look.

" I know you won't but perhaps I can persuade you."

" Oh yeah how?"

Master Org laughs he holds out his hand shooting lightning in front of him, Merrick shields his eyes just then Aleu stands in front of Merrick, his eyes widen.

" Aleu!"

" Merrick don't-"

Master Org holds out his hands as a vine wraps around Aleu tying her down, the vine then wraps tightly around her mouth.  Merrick clenches his jaw glaring at Master Org.

" Let her go, now!"

Nayzor chuckles as he walks over to Aleu he grabs her by the chin forcing her to look at Merrick.

" You see Merrick, we know you developed feelings for Aleu."

Merrick looks over at Aleu she looks at him with fear/terror in her eyes Merrick then turns his attention back to Nayzor giving him a glare. Master Org lets out a sinister laugh.

" What are you going to do now ranger, watch the woman you love suffer or hand over your animal crystals."

" You have to promise me one thing if I do give you my animal crystals, swear that no harm will come to Aleu, promise me she won't get hurt."

" Fine, you have my word Aleu won't get hurt, now hand them over."

Merrick glances over at Aleu she shakes her head, giving him a pleading look not to do it. Merrick reaches into his pocket grabbing his animal crystals, Master Org holds out his hand Merrick looks at his animal crystals letting out a sigh he doesn't want to, but he has no choice he walks up to Master Org placing them into his hand. Master Org laughs he looks up at Merrick then shoots lighting at him sending him backwards causing Merrick to hit the ground hard Master Org lets out an evil laugh.

" Yes, finally I have the Lunar Wolf's animal crystals!"

Merrick holds his side, slowly getting up he glares at Master Org.

" Let Aleu go."

" As you wish ranger, Nayzor release her."

Nayzor cuts the vines he grabs Aleu by the arm forcing her up he lets out a chuckle.

" Well done, Aleu you've served us well."

Merrick looks at Nayzor confused.

" What are you talking about?"

" With her help we finally got what we want."

" Aleu what's going on?"

Master Org looks at Merrick giving him a wicked smile.

" She was working for me all this time; I needed her to get close to you and the others and now thanks to her I have your animal crystals."

Merrick looks at Aleu dumbstruck and shakes his head lost for words. His heart breaking into millions of pieces his jaw clenches, he balls his fists he glares daggers at Aleu.

" You tricked me."

" Merrick, I didn't mean to."

" I trusted you; how could you do this."

Before I can answer Merrick back Master Org shoves past me giving Merrick a smirk.

" Who cares now you're useless without your animal crystals."

Master Org then freezes the animal crystals Merrick can only watch in horror.

" No wolf, alligator, hammerhead!"

The wildzords disappear from the Animarium Merrick looks at his wrist his lunar caller disappears he falls to his knees in defeat.

" No."

" You've done well Aleu, I'm proud of you."

Master Org and Nayzor turn walking down the trail then disappear. I hurry over to Merrick kneeling down next to him I put my hand on his shoulder.

" Merrick I'm so sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

Merrick shoves my hand off his shoulder he stands up glaring at me.

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