Jungkook: where is Tae?!

Evan: he's at my place safe. Safer than he will ever be with you.

Jungkook: let me go...

Evan: nope. I'm good.

Jungkook: I'll kill you!

Evan: he won't remember you. He's all mine. He thinks we're dating. It was pretty easy to convince him. He's just a pretty face. Not very bright.

Jungkook: say that about him again and that'll be the last thing you say!

Evan: ooh shut the fuck up. Look at where you are and where I am. I can do whatever I want to him. Talk to him, hug him, kiss him, fuck him. He's my toy now bitch.

Jungkook: you will regret saying those things about my baby...

Evan: whatever.

Evan then left. He went home to Tae.

Tae: hi babe!

Tae smiled at him. Evan kissed Taes neck. Tae wrapped his arms around Evans neck.

Tae: I'm hungry.

Evan: go make us breakfast.

Tae: I'm not a good cook.

Evan: fine.

Tae: what're you doing?

Evan: I'm going to teach you how to cook.

He grabbed Tae by the wrist and he brought him to the kitchen. He showed him how to cook.

Tae: ooh. Okay. I got this.

Evan: mhmm~

Evan stood behind Tae with his hand up his shirt.

Tae: hmm. I feel like something is off.

Evan: what do you mean?

Tae: this place doesn't seem familiar to me...

Evan: well, baby, you had a brain injury.

Tae: I did?

Evan: yeah. You did.

Tae: that doesn't make any sense. Why am I not in the hospital?

Evan: because you wanted to be here.

Tae: I'd never wanna be home of I had a brain injury.

Evan: just keep fucking cooking.

Tae: no... You can't tell me what to do.

Evan: yes I fucking can. I own you bitch!

He slapped Tae across the face. Tae held his cheek.

Tae: I knew it... Something was off... You kidnapped me! We're not dating! I kept having these memories of this guy in my head... I didn't know who he was... How I know... He's my boyfriend... Not you... Where is he?!

Evan: I won't tell you!

Evan beat on Tae. Tae couldn't escape him. Tae cried all night long. The next day, Evan made Tae post on Instagram. Tae refused. Evan threatened to beat him again.

"Hi guys, I've been feeling much better now mentally"

Taesbellybutton: you don't seem okay Tae... Are you okay?...

BTS_Simp: nahh... He had a bruise on his face...

Tannie_irl: do you guys think his new boyfriend is beating on him?

Applesauce: I don't think so... Tae doesn't seem happy now... I think something is wrong... I can always tell how he's feeling...

Namjoons crabs: yea... Ur not okay Tae... I knew ur not... You have bruises... You're not okay...

Wwh_Jin: Tae! Ur not okay! Where are you?! That isn't ur home?!

Namjin_simp: that can't be his boyfriend. Those pictures of him and his boyfriend together, he was more than happy. Something is up. Is he kidnapped?

Tae_simp: I'm worried about Tae...

Jimin_Round_Ass: Tae! What's going on?!

Tae saw the comments. He sobbed. Evan gritted his teeth seeing all those comments.

Nocho_Cheese: he's fine. Y'all trippin'

Taesbellybutton: @Nocho_Cheese bitch how would u know? U kidnapped him or smth?

Nocho_Cheese: @Taesbellybutton I ain't kidnap him. He's probably fine. Y'all dramatic.

Taesbellybutton: @Nocho_Cheese I reported u. Guys. I think he kidnapped Tae.

Namjin: he sure as hell has Tae! Where is he?!

Armies started to report his account and try to get it banned. They reported him and everything. His account got banned permanently due to all the reports. Cops were called. Evan was pissed. Tae as thankful for his fans.

Evan: your fucking fans are the worst!

He grabbed Tae by his hair. He shoved him to the ground. He beat on Tae again.

Tae: it's not my fault they found out!

Evan slapped him.

Evan: shut up! Shut up!

Tae: I'm sorry! Stop hurting me!

Evan grabbed Tae by his collar. He lifted him up. He threw him into the bed. Tae backed away from him. Evan pinned him to the bed. He started to tear off Taes clothes. Tae was screaming and crying.

Tae: stop! Please!

Evan: stop fighting me! You stupid bitch!

Evan was suddenly hit on the head. Tae saw Jungkook. He hugged him. Jungkook hugged him back.

Tae: thank you! I missed you!

Jungkook: you remember me?...

Tae: of course... I knew he wasn't my boyfriend... Where's our baby?...

Jungkook: with Jin...

Tae: ooh... Good...

The cops were called. Evan was put into jail for life for attempting rape and kidnapping and assault.

Tae: don't ever leave me Jungkook... Please don't...

Jungkook: of course...

They go home.

Saesang 🖤Taekook🖤Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora