Tetrax waited near a massive 'volcano' like formation. Looking down was the final deposit of Primordial, the lifeblood of Petropia and her people. Once a church built on this spot destroyed by his actions and the birth place of Sugalite.

Tetrax folded his red fingers and spoke to it "May my actions this day please make up for my sins, I have the blood of everyone on my hands and beg this works."

The sloshing of the liquid crystal at the bottom of the mouth of the volcano being his only answer.

"Yeah...I get it." Tetrax said closing his eyes.

A goo arm touched his shoulder and chirped.

"Thanks Gluto, your a true friend." Tetrax said.

The blob nudged up against him.

The giant space ray left Slipspace then turned into ghostfreak and phased into the ship.

"The time has come." Tetrax said.

Ben landed the ship and out walked 2 Petrosapiens, 2 Crystalsapian and a blue 'human'(?) from what Tetrax could guess, in a stone armor.

"Alright let's build a goddess!" The blue girl said.

"Alright let's build a goddess!" The blue girl said

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Tetrax looked at Ben questioningly.

"She's kinda required." Ben said "Run the plan through us one more time Sugalite."

"Using Tetrax I will send the new beings 'Code' through this dimensions Heart Crystal into Carbonite etching the new being into her. We need to use a woman I have never touched to avoid accidentally loading her into my Heart Crystal." Sugalite said with a orb of energy around him.

"This is gonna hurt like hell isn't it?" Gwen asked.

"Yep." Ben said showing a recording of Tetrax destroying Diamondhead in his timeline.

"What are the rest for?" Tetrax asked looking to the others.

"This is Albeta and Caroline, they're here to supply the energy required." Ben said.

"The tri-solstice can be recreated using 2 To'kustar's cosmic beams and the power of Legerdomain." Sugalite says "Ben I need Chromastone Red to move the fragments of the planet into place."

"Uh your gonna tow pieces of the planet?" Gwen asked looking at the fragments floating off in the distance.

"Nooo." Ben said as the transformation was pulled up.

Sugalite turned into his Ultimate form as well. Ben flew off towards the large chuncks of crystal in the surrounding area of the solar system.

"While he's doing that we need to set up the crystal array that was used in my creation." Sugalite said "Tetrax, Gwen, Albeta, I require your aid in shaping the ground. I must converse with the Primordial."

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