Chatfic 5

283 4 1

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: Yoooooo I just released a new track on the youtube

Monique🥀: I'll give it a listen

sugarcloudz: i assume it's about money again?

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: Yes

Penny Lamb: I'm struggling to access this "YouTube" you're talking about.

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: I'll send you a link


Penny Lamb: Is that another keysmash?

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: No, it's a link, just press it

sugarcloudz: tbh it actually sounds good

DemocracyRocks: I mean, it's not my kind of music, and you did swear a bit, but it's an improvement from the last song you made

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: I assume that is compliment

Ireallyreallylikecats: I saw Mischa and Noel making out at school behind the art block

DemocracyRocks: What

sugarcloudz: what

Penny Lamb: What?

Monique🥀: Ricky I'm going to fucking massacre you

DemocracyRocks: Language

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: You saw nothing

Ireallyreallylikecats: I definitely did

DemocracyRocks: Do you think you two could leave that stuff for after school?

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: We're going off topic

Monique🥀: How did you even see us??

Ireallyreallylikecats: I get to leave lessons early and I saw you both hiding away from your PE group and making out

Monique🥀: Ah

Ireallyreallylikecats: You both seemed to be enjoying it

Ireallyreallylikecats: I was even wondering if it was going to go further lmao

DemocracyRocks: OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH

(DemocracyRocks muted Ireallyreallylikecats)

Penny Lamb: I didn't know you could mute people.

DemocracyRocks: I'm the group admin so I can do that

sugarcloudz: noel is that why you had a hickey at choir practice

Monique🥀: Shut up shut up shut up

Monique🥀: Sweet baby jesus I'm having an aneurysm

Penny Lamb: Oh goodness, should I call an ambulance?

Monique🥀: NO


Monique🥀: PLEASE DON'T

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: Somebody kill me

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