Incorrect Quotes 4

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Mischa: Noel, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason.

Noel, wearing a hoodie that's 5 times bigger than their size: Spooky.


Ricky: May luck (and this picture of Constance eating shredded cheese at 3 in the morning) be with you.


Noel: What are you two arguing about this time?

Mischa: They’re always using common phrases incorrectly!

Ricky: Cry me a table, Mischa.


*Ricky falls over*

Penny: Ricky! Are you alright?

Ricky: Is that you, God?

Penny: What?

Ricky: It's just, you sound a lot more like Penny than I expected.


Mischa: *mixing different alcoholic beverages together*

Ocean: What are you making?

Mischa: A mistake.


Mischa: Noel and I are no longer friends.

Noel: Mischa, that's a horrible way of saying we're dating.


Ricky: My hobbies include reading, more reading, and punching people who won't let me read.


Noel: Mischa is like an oven.

Constance: Please elaborate.

Noel: Hot, and he roasts me.

Constance: Oh. Then Ocean is like an oven too.


Ricky: Hey, can you guys help me with this crossword? I need an 8-letter word for disappointment.

Noel: Ocean.

Ocean: Dude!!

Ricky: Noel, that's not 8 letters.


Ricky: *opens a door for Penny* After you.

Penny: No, after you.

Ricky: No, afte-

Mischa, shoving past them: After ME.


Mischa: We can make it work! We're like Romeo and Juliet!

Noel: It doesn't work out for Romeo and Juliet. The play ends in a tragic double suicide.

Mischa: Does it? Why do people like it so much?

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