Incorrect Quotes 3

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Ocean: Why are your tongues purple?

Mischa: Oh, we got slushies. I had a blue one.

Noel: I got a red one.

Ocean: Oh!

Ocean: ...

Ocean: OH.

Penny: You drank each other's slushies?


Constance: Are you getting enough sleep?

Ocean: Sometimes when I sneeze my eyes close.


Noel: The risk I took was carefully calculated.


Noel: I never said I was good at maths.


Constance: Ask Ricky something nobody should ever have a strong opinion about.

Mischa: What's your least favourite number?

Ricky: 39, duh.


Mischa: You know, studies show that having a ladder in the house is ten times more dangerous than a loaded gun.

Mischa: That's why I own ten guns.

Mischa: In case some maniac tries to sneak in ladder.


Ocean: You're charged with...breaking into a pet store?

Penny: I thought the animals would be lonely.


Ricky: *falls down the stairs*

Constance: Oh my god, are you OK??

Noel: Stop falling down the stairs!

Mischa: How did ground taste?


Ricky: Hey, did you know carrots are good for your eyesight?

Penny: Really? *shoves carrots into her eyes*

Ricky: That's not what I mea-

Penny: You lied to me.


Constance: If I were a food, I'd be a cupcake, because I'm so sweet!

Ocean: If I were a food, I'd be pizza because I'm so cheesy!

Noel: I'd be a bagel because I'm empty inside.

Constance: ...

Ocean: ...

Noel: ...

Ocean: *slowly tries to hug Noel*

Noel: *slaps Ocean's hand away* Don't touch me.


Mischa: Noel, we're going to be late to school! Come out!

Noel: I'm gay!

Mischa: Not what I meant, but I support you!

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