Chatfic 1

654 7 11

(DemocracyRocks added sugarcloudz, Monique🥀, ⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️, ireallyreallylikecats, Penny Lamb)

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: What is this

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: I was just texting Talia wtf is this

DemocracyRocks: I made this chat for all of us to keep in touch! :))

(Monique🥀 left the chat)

(DemocracyRocks added Monique🥀)

DemocracyRocks: Noel stop leaving

Monique🥀: whyyyyyyyy

DemocracyRocks: I made this chat for the choir, and last time I checked, you're in this choir

Monique🥀: uuuuugh fine but I won't be able to talk during my shift

Penny Lamb: Good evening to you all.

sugarcloudz: oh hey penny 👋

Penny Lamb: It's lovely to see you all today.

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: Ngl with all that punctuation you sound really sarcastic

Penny Lamb: What is sarcastic? And what is ngl?

Ireallyreallylikecats: Oh shit she doesn't know any internet abbreviations

DemocracyRocks: Language

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: Uhhh Ricky you explain to her you seem to like each other the most

Monique🥀: This'll be interesting

Ireallyreallylikecats: Ngl is a shortened version of saying "not gonna lie" and sarcasm is where you use irony to mock someone

Penny Lamb: I see. I can assure you that I am not being sarcastic with any of you, ngl.

sugarcloudz: oh good gracious

Penny Lamb: Is anything the matter, Constance?

sugarcloudz: i got distracted and my cookies are burned 😭

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: I'll have those if you don't mind

sugarcloudz: are you sure? these things look like they've been cremated

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: Yes, I like things that are a bit burnt

Ireallyreallylikecats: "a bit burnt"

Monique🥀: Probably better than Ocean's cooking

DemocracyRocks: Hey!!!! >:O

Ireallyreallylikecats: LMAOOOO

sugarcloudz: ok i'm gonna leave for a second just so I can concentrate on putting some frosting these things

sugarcloudz: byeeeeeeeee

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: See you in second Constance

(sugarcloudz is offline)

Ireallyreallylikecats: A cat has fallen asleep on me and I can't move help

Monique🥀: How on earth did that happen

Ireallyreallylikecats: Idk I was just laid on the sofa talking to you guys and he just plomped down on me

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: "plomped"

DemocracyRocks: Maybe you could just try and like...scooch it off?

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: "scooch"

Ireallyreallylikecats: Excuse me??? I can't do that!!!!!

DemocracyRocks: Why not???

Ireallyreallylikecats: Because then the cat will hate me for life :(((

Monique🥀: This is actually hilarious lmao

Monique🥀: Anyway I'm going to bed niiight

DemocracyRocks: But it's 6:15

(Monique🥀 is offline)

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: Well this has been an experience

Ireallyreallylikecats: You don't say

DemocracyRocks: A good or bad one?

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: Both

(⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️ is offline)

DemocracyRocks: Oh dang it :(

Penny Lamb: Well, what do we do now?

Ireallyreallylikecats: Ocean don't you have a test to study for?

DemocracyRocks: Oh thanks Ricky I almost forgot

(DemocracyRocks is offline)

Ireallyreallylikecats: Penny, what do you plan to do?

Penny Lamb: I might brush my dolly's hair. Thank you for chatting with me, Ricky.

Ireallyreallylikecats: No problem :)

(Penny Lamb is offline)

(Ireallyreallylikecats is offline)

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