0. Introduction

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A/N: Welcome and thank you for having the time to take a look at my book. I hope you will enjoy reading it:)<3



From friends to lovers to strangers to friends to lovers

This first part will follow season 2 of The Umbrella Academy


"All those years by yourself. It's gotta screw with your heads. You being alone"

"Well, I wasn't alone"

"Oh? Pray tell"

"Her name was y/n, we were together for over 40 years"

"Were you married?" 

"Yeah, 36 years, being a couple for 38" 

"Is that why you are wearing that thing around your finger?"

"Yeah, it's a handmade ring she made for me, we couldn't find any real wedding rings, so we made one for each other and that ring has never left my finger 'cause just because she is gone, then it doesn't mean that we aren't still married"

"What happen to her?" 

"I don't really want to talk about that. She is gone and it's my fault, I can still hear her voice in my head"

"Do you miss her?" 

"Everyday, all the time, and everyday I wish she was here with me and I wish it was me instead of her. 'Cause she was the strong one, not me, all I have is questions, what am I suppose to do with that"

"The only thing that is keeping me going, is the promise her and I made for each other. That if one of us die, the other will do their best to live their life for the both of us and also because we promise each other that we will do whatever it take to stop this apocalypse so we can saved the people we love" 

"When you lose someone. Every candle, every prayer is not going make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is a hole where that someone you cared about used to be. I just feel lost without her, my light and happiness is gone, half my body is empty without her" 

"You once lived a life without her, you can do it again"

"No, I can't. I only spend 13 years without her. I spend over 40 years with her. And from the day I met her, she made my life better than what it was, she made things easier, now that I lost her, life is worse than before, and this time she isn't there to help me through it. So I don't know how to go on without her."

"Don't. You carry her with you, every step of the way" 

"That's was the plan and that also what I'm doing" 

"I can try to summon her if you want" 

"Maybe later, when I fix this, 'cause then I tell her that I did it and she will be able to rest in peace"

"I lost...Y/n. She was my angel, my world and my everything. I couldn't save her. And I will never be able to forgive myself for that"

"Maybe you should let her go" 

"If I hold on to her, it hurts, but if I let her go, it hurts even more" 

"This isn't easy for me, Y/n, it's actually really really hard, and I...I want you to know that I cherish every single minute, 22 and a half million of them. 42 years. A life time. I will never forget every second I spend with you. Now look at us. We're lucky enough, we get a second one. Yeah, you are right. I do have a lot of growing up to do. I'll never forget you, Y/n, but I have to let go 'cause I know that you wanted me to go on and even so it's hard without you, I had to. I know that you will always be with me, watching out for me, like you have the last two years. I'm sorry for everything and I'm sorry for fucking up what we had, I'm sorry for not trying to fix what was broken but instead just let you go. Thank you for everything. I wouldn't have made it without you. Thank you so much. I love you and I will never stop loving you. And this ring you gave me will stay on, it will never leave my finger, not even when I die. I know that we will see each other again one day, but until then, I will try to live my life for the both of us, just like we promise each other. Goodbye my love, may we meet again"

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