Dish race/near faintings

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After agreeing to laser tag with Malcolm i finally relaxed into my seat for what felt like the first time tonight. I'm completely wiped out and just want to crawl into bed but instead I'm wrapped in a big blanket with Diego on my chest, who is incessantly yawning against the material of my top. Between the running about he was doing earlier in the kitchen and all the food his stomach is now stuffed with, I'm not surprised he's sleepy.

"Did you get any cake before those guys ate it all?" I look at Luis and addy, as I'm calling Adrianna from now on. Addy shakes her head,
"They are really fast" she glances back at the boys who talk animatedly between themselves.
"That's because they are greedy and being on the football team has prepared them for fast interactions like stealing all of the cake" her eyes widen like saucers.

"They are on the football team?" I nod, chuckling as her face scrunches in disbelief.
"But they are so...normal" if by normal she means, chaotic, annoying and childish then yes, they are normal. "They are but don't tell anyone it would ruin their reputation of being big and scary" her eyes dance with amusement and her lips curl in the corners.
"They are like my brother, acting scary but are really just big softies" she nudges her brothers shoulder who blankly stares down at her.

"You're not funny and I'm not a softie" blunt as always. "And I suppose you're not the same boy who spent half an hour in a field picking flowers to bring here tonight because you didn't want to show up empty handed" addy raises a single eyebrow while her brother turns pink in the cheeks and my heart melts into a puddle. I know he can't afford to buy me flowers but even if he could, him even thinking of doing that for me is so sweet. He really is a softie.

"You spent half an hour picking them flowers?" Luis looks down, scratching his neck embarrassed. "It's the least I could do, it's only some stupid flowers" I shake my head,
"They aren't stupid, I love them and trust me I don't love stupid things" just as the words leave my lips Malcolm falls backwards off of his chair and hits the floor in a heap.
"Okay maybe I love one stupid thing" i wince watching him spit out some grass before he bounces back onto his feet.

"Are you okay sunshine?" He gives me two thumbs up and a grassy smile. "Perfecto" chuckling, I shake my head at his cheeriness.
"Katy is here now" Ava's whisper makes me look up to see her ready to walk inside.
"I'll come..." my voice trials off as I look down to find Diego peacefully sleeping on me. Shit. I don't want to wake him but Katy's mom might be relieved to see me at the door, so she knows that the girls will be supervised.

"It's fine just text her mom" I nod at Ava who takes her leave as I grab my phone. Sending a quick message to Katy's mom I take my eyes off of everyone for a minute. Big mistake. One minute everyone is happily chatting and the next the boys are setting up a football match.

"Jake and me vs you two" Elias announces and I roll my eyes. "You can join them if you want" I say to Luis who looks at me with offence.
"Why would I ever want to do that?" I shrug,
"Thought it might be better than sitting with a bunch of girls but I guess since you are such a big softie you're okay with that" he scowls but doesn't get up to join the boys.

"I'm here because for someone reason you're the only person I like outside of my siblings which is confusing because you are very annoying. So yes I would rather sit with you instead of playing with them" I smile, a real smile as his words may not seem like a big deal but for him it is.
"Aww he likes me" I lay my head on his shoulder and hug his arm. "Don't make me change my mind" he grumbles but doesn't push me away and as I look up at him I see his lips twitch. He's biting back a smile.

"Group hug?" I recognise Kim's voice from across the table. "Yes, group hug" I encourage and she doesn't hesitate to round the table and wrap her arms around me. Mal and Gracie follow and my sister pulls addy into it too. The only people missing are my sister and Katy but I'm sure they are hidden in her room gossiping about a boy.

Falling for the unloveable Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora