Chapter 7

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Twenty Years Later

Kenshi watched as the war plane landed, then Johnny and the Kombat Kids came out of it. Then he noticed Aric approach from the crowds a few feet away, the Edenian then stood next to him.

"Where have you been?" Kenshi asked.

"Had to take care of some Black Dragon business in Prague." Aric said casually.

Then Cassie noticed Aric and she smiled and quickly ran up to him, Johnny smiled at this.

"Aric!" Cassie said before hugging him.

"Hey princess." Aric replied hugging her tightly.

"When did you get back?" Cassie asked.

"Just now." Aric said with a smile. "So, how did the training exercise with Sub Zero go?"

"Uhh..." Cassie started and the other kids  looked away at this.

"They got their asses handed to them." Johnny decided to answer.

"Dad!" Cassie scolded.

"What? Its what happened." Johnny said with a smirk.

"But don't tell Aric that." she said giving him a look.

"Hey, easy now." Aric said before they all started to walk. "Kenshi, what's this I hear about Outworld refugees being in Earthrealm."

"Yeah. When did they show up?" Johnny added his own inquiry.

"The portal opened by the dock a few hours ago. Nearly five thousand in all. Refugees- from the Outworld civil war." Kenshi explained.

"Must be bad if they risked coming to Earthrealm." Kung Jin put in.

"After you." Kenshi gestured in front if him.

Then everyone went ahead of him while he and Takeda stayed behind for a few seconds.

Then they all entered the military TEMPER, where Sonya and Raiden were by a table with a woman who was seated.

"Thank you, Kenshi." Sonya said. "Could you, Aric and Mister Cage join us?"

Then everyone came forward.

"Sergeant Cage. You and your team as you were." Sonya said a little coldly.

Cassie looked a bit pissed from the words but she did as she was told and stepped back with her team. Aric was about to say something to her but then he looked at the woman that was sitting at the table between Sonya and Raiden.

"Li Mei?" he said in surprise.

Li Mei quickly looked up when she heard the familiar voice, her eyes widened in shock and surprise and she stood up and looked at him closely.

"Prince Aric? You're alive!" she said as a smile crept up her lips.

"Wait, wait. You two know each other?" Johnny asked.

Everyone looked at Aric.

"Yeah. Li Mei and I know each other, for thousands of years actually." Aric said. "We met during my conquest days and had frequent interactions in Outworld. She was also my.........uhm."

"Your what?" Sonya asked.

"Yeah, why'd you stop?" Cassie asked.

Li Mei held in her laugh as she looked down and blushed slightly.

"Oh." Johnny said as he realized what was going on.

"Anyway, what brings you here?" Aric cut in, trying to draw the attention away from himself.

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